1st FOWLR tank


New member
I just got a 300g tank and I'm going to do a FOWLR tank. I would like to keep butterfly fishes and a few angels. I've been researching it the fish and what not. I would like some pointers on what butterflies I can keep together. the angels I am going to keep will be a regal and the emperor. Any info or tips would be greatly appreciated!! I've been in the hobby for 6 years and I also have a nice 220 gallon reef tank. I've just never done a FOWLR tank.
Does anyone know of a good place on line to get black worms.

Thinking about using blank sand with this build. Anyone ever have any issues with Hawaiian black sand?
Here is a list of fish I would like to keep

Angel Dwarf:
Flame angel
Potter's angel

Large Angel:
Emperor (start with a Juvenile)
Regal Angel

Pearl scale
Blue stripe
Orange face
Saddle Back

Clear Wrasse
Pinkface Wrasse

Harlequin Tusk

Orange Shoulder
I am in the same boat (tank) as you are

I am in the same boat (tank) as you are

I am also looking to start a fish only tank mostly because I would like to keep butterfly fish and other non-reef safe fish. I have just acquired a 500 gal aquarium that is really set-up for "old school" fish only (wet/dry filter, deep depth, etc.). I am trying to figure out how to make a fish only tank as a more nature habitat look. I also have a bunch of coral skeletons from years ago I hope to use.

I look forward to following you as your build moves forward.
Does anyone know of a good place on line to get black worms.

Thinking about using blank sand with this build. Anyone ever have any issues with Hawaiian black sand?

I've heard of black sand becoming magnetic, and sticking to scrapers, thus scratching acrylic/glass.

This seems to be where people get their blackworms.

I don't know too much about butterflyfish, but your stock list seems to be okay. Make sure you add the Regal Angel as the first fish. If not, it may be bullied to death. Get the Potters in soon as well. Give them a chance to get comfortable and eating and QT ALL OF YOUR FISH. Can't imagine the heartbreak if crypto/velvet got into that tank.
Wow, guess I won't go with the black sand.���� Picking up the 300g DD tomorrow!! Can't wait! Even though it's going to take a couple of weeks to get everything for the tank. I've been researching the meds for the QT. Thinking of getting a 20g for the QT. Thanks for the advice on adding the Regal and potter 1st, and for the link for the black worms. The regal and the Achilles Tang are my favorite fish. I finally got a 5 inch Achilles for my reef tank about 3 months ago.
1st FOWLR tank

I use black sand in one of my tanks and haven't had much of an issue with the magnetic scrapers. However, I make sure not to get it too close to the sand.

I do like the look of the black sand, especially against lighter colored fish.
So, when to pick the tank up saturday and this is what it looked like outside

A couple pics the beast!

Leak check and Cleaned the glass.
Hope to get the sump tomorrow. Then I'm going to re-wire the T5's and put a new piano hinge on the canopy. How do I post bigger pics?
Butterflies are awesome. Some of the online retailer websites show the relative difficulty of each species to give you an idea of what is easy or difficult. Nice SPS tank too. The Husky is beautiful. :)

So I got the sump in and ran the plumbing.


The skimmer didn't fit so I had to modify it a little.



Rewired the canopy and put a new piano hinge on it.





Did a 35 gallon water change on the reef and added that water to the FOWLR, put in a heater, a pump, my anemone, couple of rocks, and some mushrooms.




I ordered everything else I need to get the tank up and running. Friday is going to be like Christmas!!! The rocks won't be ready untill Monday or tuesday.

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So I ended up ordering black Hawaiian sand and it should arrive today along with the salt mix. Every thing else should arrive Friday. Can't wait!!:rollface: