2 Id's please


New member
#1: I rescued this one from a friends tank that crashed. Anybody have an idea?

#2: I believe this to be an Hydnaphora. Is that right? IT was a lot more fuzzy about 2 months ago when I got it (from the same guy above). Since then, it has turned more fluorescent green and has less "fuzz" but appears to be growing (you can see it's grown to the rock it's attached to). First pic is today. 2nd pic is about 2 months ago...

Same as above from 2 months ago
Even the first one?

On the second, does the lack of "hair" that it originally had (as seen in the last photo) indicate a problem?
yes they are all 3 Hydnophora rigida, none of the pics have good polyp expansion they just need to be under the right conditions and they'll perk up. i was given one in the condition of your first pic by one of the admins here on RC back in 2003, it took several months to start expanding polyps again but once it did, it took off and grew quiet nicely.

I'll try to look back in some old pics and post of the one i got from him and some later on and some now pics......
the 2nd and 3rd are the same coral. I just can't imagine the 1st and 2nd pictures being the same species. They look completely different. maybe it's just a bad picture.

granted, i don't have much experience "ID"ing ....
take the one with the good polyp expansion and pull it out of the water for a few min and allow all polyps to retract, it'll look exactly like the first pic. when they have been neglected or in unfavorable conditions for some time they stay closed up like that, as long as algae doesn't start growing on them they are OK and if kept in favorable conditions they'll open again.
One of my frags before i pulled it out of the tank:

while it was out of the tank retracting polyps:

and 20 seconds after being put back in the tank (gotta go turn that back the right way):

and the mother colony:
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10802743#post10802743 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by JackKerouac
I quote for the last two,but the first one looks like a Psammocora obtusangula to me

I agree. First looks like psammacora.
From looking quickly at Psammocora obtusangula on the intraweb, it appears that it is an encrusting coral. This one i believe is not. It also says it's fairly rare. Are there any other possibilities?