(2) Tunze Wavebox on 180 Gal.


I wanted to try 2 waveboxes & 2 6100s on my 6x2x2 tank. I wanted to setup with a box/6100 on both ends & only have a Stream & box running @ any giving time. Firing Diagonal from each other & Maybe every other day. Is this overkill?
Thats a lot of power for a 6 foot tank!

I would personally go for either or I do not see the benefits of mixing both.

Good effects have been created just with two streams on your size tank

This is all personal views, and others may offer different advise.
Thanks Todd. I just came across a good deal on a couple of Waveboxes & just wanted to see if they were usable in my tank.
Send one to me! Yeah one wave box and 2 6100's would be plenty!!
You would not have water in the tank with 2 and 2.
I would do a wavebox with a couple 6100's on surge pattern.