Simon, you made me laugh with your screaming sound efx while feeding your anem.
My BTA's don't like silver sides either. Mine will eat table shrimp (uncooked) cut into 1/4" pieces, soaked in selcon, and they like freeze dried krill! Go figure.
I read somewhere that, anemones like somewhat nutrient rich water, and some people that use RO/DI, have trouble keeping them. Luckily for me, I use RO/DI water without any trouble.
I nursed a seabae once, and soaked it's food in garlic extreme. I had to use a syringe to inject the food into it's mouth, because it's insides were coming out, but it eventually came around (three months later) and I traded it for one the BTA's that I have now.
You could also try garlic extreme to initiate a feeding response.