200 gallon project.

ouch i will have to make a cabinet for this thing!

how much was the setup total?

thanks alot!

nbd13 - I paid $232.00 total for the reactor.

Holokai - thanks. I have had several tanks in the past and try to make each one better than the last. This will be my last setup for quite a while, so I tried to do as much right from the beginning so there would be less to add/change in the future.

Also - here are a couple of pictures of my RO/DI unit setup in the garage.
I T'ed off my water line going into my water heater.

Here is the whole setup.
I was just informed by Geo that the reactor I got is actually the 6X24 model. I guess I got a better deal off eBay than I thought. Thanks for clearing that up George.
Well, an update but no pictures yet. I installed a Kent float valve in my sump today to use in conjuction with a topoff/kalk doser. I also got my CaribSea Reef Bones in. I ordered these from Custom Aquatics. I got the show piece box of 100 lbs. I am going to use it in conjunction with my existing live rock. It was 4 pieces...they are really nice. I am going to make one of them an island in the tank...it is SO LARGE. I will update with pics this weekend.
zemuron114 - Why so many holes in the back of the tank? - Drains for sump, and closed loop, and returns for sump pump, and closed loop pump.

IMPERATORFAN - What is my plan for circulation? Am I going to bother with alternating current devices? - The circulation is a really simple drain/sump/return in combination with a closed loop...no Oceans Motions, or SeaSwirls, or anything else. I hope it works.

MacnReef - What type of sand? - Acrotropic (www.acrotropic.com (I think))
What bulbs? - 3 400 watters...middle one is a 20K XM, and the two end bulbs are 10K XM.
Awesome! Couldn't get to the website...blocked by password.

But what made you decide on 10K on the outside and 20K in the center?

I had 2 extra 10K bulbs around that were not used yet, and I plan on keeping the SPS on the 2 ends of the tank and LPS in the center of the tank. I have seen this combo of bulbs on other people's tanks and liked the way the tanks looked with that configuration. I will try it that way for a while and if I don't like it, I figure I will just get 20K's when these need replacing.

P.S. I tried the site too...they must be having problems or updating right now.
Well...this was a busy weekend. I tore down my 92 gallon tank and moved everything from it to the new tank. I also got some choice pieces of SPS and my clams from my 120. Here are a few pictures of the new setup with corals and a couple of fish.




