200 gallon project.

Thanks everyone. I am going tonight to pick up some more of my SPS. This coming weekend, I should have the 120 broken down and moved to the new tank.
Looking good! I like the idea of the open space in the middle for the clams. I'm planning a similar approach with a mini cay in the middle for a bunch of clams.

Keep the pics coming.
Couple of new pictures. I got 2 new corals from my LFS yesterday. I will try to post some full tank shots this weekend. All of these pics were taken under 400 watt 20K XM's.


Here are a couple of top down shots.
Acropora secale

Blue tortuosa

New favia with blue millepora

Acropora ?

Green Merulina
Here are a couple of shots I took last night. They are of the Kalk Reactor setup and calcium reactor setup.
My kalk reactor is connected to a 10 gallon aquarium that acts as my RO/DI reservoir. It gravity feeds the reactor. The reactor itself has 3 cups of Kalk in it and is on a timer to mix 4 times per day for 4 minutes each time. The output of the reactor is connected to a float valve that I installed in my sump. It is a ReefTek Kalk Reactor.



And the GEO calcium reactor (model 624)... this is the easiest calcium reactor to setup. I dialed it in with an effluent pH of 6.6 in a matter of minutes. I has not needed adjustment either.

And lastly I installed my power centers. They are MBT DJ power centers I got from someone here on RC, but don't remember their name. I love these things. They look sleek and work great. You can easily turn things on and off without having to look for which cord goes to what. Just label the switches and you always know what turns off what.

All the transferring is done. I broke the 120 down completely and now everything is in the new tank. Here are a few pictures of the final (yeah, right) result.



Wow - great job - how are you liking the closed loop setup with the outputs coming up from the bottom like that?? it seems like you are going to get some real nice and random current.

platapus - I used a 1 3/4" drill bit for the 1" bulkhead.

lovetoreef - I love the closed loop and especially the holes drilled in the bottom. There is so much more current in this tank than I ever had before. The nice thing about the holes drilled in the bottom is that I can get current flowing back towards the aquascaping, not just coming from the back, and with the adjustable loc-line fittings, I can change the flow pattern very easily.
As for the ReefBones, yes, it is just basically base rock, but very nice shapes and sizes.
Man you are making some great progress. I love the way your tank looks!

BTW, what size breaker do you have running that thing? :rollface:
I installed 2 dedicated 20 amp circuits before I put the tank in place. I think 2 was a little overkill, but if I ever add anything else down the road, I am already prepared for the electrical load.