Not sure if anyone is still following this thread - but I just finished my copy of the WmTasker Ca Reactor (nice name BTW), and everything was about as easy as could be. Thanks to everyone for the great mods along the way and of course to WmTasker for the original concept.
Here's my question: for the CO2 line, it looks like most everyone is using CO2 resistant polypropylene tubing (like you use for an RO/DI unit or a refridgerator icemaker) which is what I planned to use as well. Then my LFS said I should use CO2 resistant silicon tubing (similar to regular airline tubing) because the polypropylene tubing will not seal properly on the bubble counter connection. Has anyone found this to be an issue?
I like the polypropylene better because I like using the JG fittings on the reactor, but now I am conflicted. Any comments?
Thanks again!