$200, my day off, and my new diy calcium reactor!

Yeah mine takes a couple of days to get the air out, but then its pretty much dead silent. Its a great reactor and does very good keeping up with my tank.
Has anyone ever tried to build a double chamber calcium reactor out of two Sea Clone 150 chambers? It seems like an easy fit. How would you plumb the recirculating and feed pumps?
Not sure if anyone is still following this thread - but I just finished my copy of the WmTasker Ca Reactor (nice name BTW), and everything was about as easy as could be. Thanks to everyone for the great mods along the way and of course to WmTasker for the original concept.

Here's my question: for the CO2 line, it looks like most everyone is using CO2 resistant polypropylene tubing (like you use for an RO/DI unit or a refridgerator icemaker) which is what I planned to use as well. Then my LFS said I should use CO2 resistant silicon tubing (similar to regular airline tubing) because the polypropylene tubing will not seal properly on the bubble counter connection. Has anyone found this to be an issue?

I like the polypropylene better because I like using the JG fittings on the reactor, but now I am conflicted. Any comments?

Thanks again!

I rather have the pp tubing was well. That is what I am using on my CR.

BTW this is the best DIY on RC my reactor is 9 months old now best money I ever spent on a DIY project.
The CO2 tubing i bought for this would not fit any JG fittings. So i'm using plain old airline tubing, albeit the extra thick walled stuff. Going strong for 4 months now, this is the best thing i've done for my tank. I even stopped dosing kalk as my pH was not effected like i thought it would.

I am in the process of upgrading my tank. When i do, i plan to replace the metal screw in the lid and also cover the metal threads with silicon. I'm getting some rust colored salt creep. But my cheato is growing like crazy now!! LOL
impur: What type of fitting did you use to connect to the Ca reactor? I have been searching for 1/8" ID nylon barb fittings with threads on the other end. That way I can screw it into the PVC and push the airline tubing over the barb. However Lowes, Ace, Home Depot and all of my local plumbing/hardware places only have something like this in metal - not nylon. Any suggestions? Thanks!
I have just completed my version but instead of replacing the metal screw I just drilled and tapped the hole and made it my effluent. So far everything is working great I just have so much growth I believe I will Need to try something bigger I am still having to suppliment with chemicals because of my high consumpsion rate. 125 gal. fully stocked with overgrown sps.
I've been meaning to post to this thread for awhile now. I want to thank the WMTASKER (?) for starting this thread. I built one and have had it running for just about a year. I was able to work of the cost of a CO2 tank and regulator so that got my total out of pocket cost to about $90...and worth EVERY penny. I'm running a 50 gallon SPS/LPS reef with a 30 sump. My Ca level has been 450 every time I test it and my Alk has been 8. Using PH buffer in my top-off water keeps my PH steady at 8.2 (lights on). I have my probe in my sump so if the tank PH drops below 8, the solenoid closes and stops injecting CO2. I'll post pics when I get home but I watched a green Montipora Cap grow from 2" to 9" in 8 months!!! THANK YOU!!!
Shane - no problem! I have been following this thread off and on for about a year. Mine is working great too. I will try to give you a call this next week and see if I can come check out your new setups.
Covey I have a mixture of I believe it is Korilith and arm the granules are about the size of a dime and it is filled about 3/4 of the way up. The rest of the media is the carib sea arm media including my second chamber. If I get time I will take a picture and try to post it.
Kyle just give me a call I am always at home. You would not believe th growth sence you were here last not to mention I will send you out with a arm full of frags.
If your trying to get some extra mileage out of the reactor I would go with all ARM. I starts to dissolve at 7.8(higher than Koralith) and has a higher surface area. As long as the pH does dip below 6.5 you can get quite a bit of cal/alk out of it.
I found that as well. I am using GenX media. When this batch is used up and needs to be refilled i'm going to do the bottom half GenX the upper half ARM.
Yeah, I put the koralith on the bottom, ARM in the middle, and then capped with a few inches of koralith again. And the ARM has still made it to the top of the reactor, but is not going into the pump.
I went with all ARM, but left about 1-2" of empty space from the top. Even still, for about the first day or so the media would fluidize and send the ARM through the pump - however I did not see any ill effects. After about 2-3 days, everything settled in and now the media stays put. I still can't believe how easy this was and how good it works!

Shane - I want to come see your new setup tomorrow if that works for you. Plus - I have something I want to show you. I'll call you tomorrow before lunch and see if we can get together.
What about putting a piece of plastic mesh on top of the reactor media to keep it fron getting into the recirc pump? This looks like one hell of a DIY. I bought JG fittings today for mine. and the tap and die was the most expensive part of all the fittings!