Mako Shark II

Fish are Friends not Food
Please note:
The information contained in this thread is Primarily for Volunteers wishing to help Set-Up and Staff the 2011 Frag Swap.

All other general information, can be found in the Main thread: http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2049804

Dear WTMRAC Club Member,
First of all, THANK YOU in advance for all the work that you can provide to make this 5th year's Frag Swap, the Best Ever!! All of this can ONLY Happen because of YOU!

Shown below are the Existing Volunteer Opportunities.
- If a Field is GREEN, then we're good to Go!
- If a Field is YELLOW, that area still requires attention and therein lies your Opportunity!
- If something appears RED, that's a show stopper and requires immediate attention.

Please have a look and let Jay Page or myself know what you can assist with.


I will update this from time to time, but this thread will be used strictly for VOLUNTEERS, TASKING and PROJECT MANAGEMENT.

Thank You for your continued support! :thumbsup:

Marty Klauss - Vice President
West Tennessee Marine & Reef Aquarium Club
1001 Newington Street
Collierville, TN 38017
(901) 573-8713 "“ Cell
Not sure what club tank involves but it sounds like fun - I could take a shift

Also, maybe drinks and paper product procurement...
Marty, just put me wherever you need me. I will be there all day. If you need anything for the club tank, let me know. I will be glad to bring the tank Barrett made me for my display tank for the frag swaps I participated in. I also have the PVC stand to put over it for my MH pendant, or better yet, Nick has a 75 w MH we can attach to the back of it. I have bags, rubberbands, etc. We would just need to buy the saltwater from Richard. I also have a small tunze ph and heater, as well as the frag racks. I can bring these by Friday night enroute to Memphis from Jackson. Someone will also need to bring change for the club tank and concessions. I helped BJ with concessions last year and will be glad to help this year, as well. Just let me know!! Getting really excited and will be glad to see everyone.
Marty, just put me wherever you need me. I will be there all day. If you need anything for the club tank, let me know. I will be glad to bring the tank Barrett made me for my display tank for the frag swaps I participated in. I also have the PVC stand to put over it for my MH pendant, or better yet, Nick has a 75 w MH we can attach to the back of it. I have bags, rubberbands, etc. We would just need to buy the saltwater from Richard. I also have a small tunze ph and heater, as well as the frag racks. I can bring these by Friday night enroute to Memphis from Jackson. Someone will also need to bring change for the club tank and concessions. I helped BJ with concessions last year and will be glad to help this year, as well. Just let me know!! Getting really excited and will be glad to see everyone.

Bring it all!
I can help out the night before with any setup or whatever. I also have that spare tank avail. Sat, I am not sure, but I can volunteer my wife as necessary as well.
I talked my boss into letting me off for Saturday so I am good to go on volunteering to help as needed. You know I have always been up to my elbows in the concessions but in view of " our resident chef" offering his services, I think we need to hear him out on what we should offer the clientale . I will be his sidekick or whatever I need to be . I am yours for the whole day that day...
I will try to help out where I can. Just not sure of my scheduling since the guest speaker is staying with me and I might be transporting him around.
Well Well Mr Barrett...Where have you been hiding???

Check out the pics I posted of the frag i got from you. amazing growth even though I have been calling it the wrong na,e for a couple of months. Thanks again!
Hey man! I changed jobs and that's kept me busy. When I get my tank settled (I might need some help with that too) I'll have to see you about some frags.
Set-up / take down if need be let me know I can take the whole day off if you need a hand getting things together and taken over to the site.

I got plenty of vacation time I need to burn.

Thanks Team!

T ogether
E veryone
A ccomplishes
M ore

(Yes, I'm a long-time Soccer Coach. Let's go Kick some Grass!)