Marty: Did u invite Dr. Mac (vendor)? He was at the one in Nashville and had some great corals and a very professoinal set up....He is a sponsor here on RC as well...
That is one of the vendors I mentioned at the meeting. I have also passed along the info to Jay and Marty. I would like to see Dr Mac(Pacific East Aquaculture) and House of Corals at our swap. They were both at Nashville and St Louis so hopefully we can get them here.
Sharty (combination of your passion for sharks and your first name): Any TEAM updates as your last post was last month? We are 10 days to lift off and many of us have volunteered for various things, but we are not sure of our marching orders??
I can help with set-up on Fri ngoht and possible tear down on Sat. Also have a spare 40g breeder and light that I can bring if needed.
I'll pull together the Volunteer info, but rest Assured, if you've raised your (virtual) hand :wavehand:, I've Counted it.

I'm working on a massive project for our CEO at work right now, but I'll get to this. I promise.

Just got home after a looong 12+ hour day... I'll be glad once we move. (Our HQ; not us personally)

I'm going to update the requirements and shoot out a note tomorrow (when I'm not leaving my laptop at work at 9PM (which NEVER happens).

Basically, the tables are being delivered between 10-AM and Noon.

Displaying Sponsors and Vendors will be able to get access to the Hall, AFTER NOON (and not sooner, due to the Club's requirement to set-up).

Doors Close at 7PM Friday night.
Did I miss the updated note to volunteers? I will have to presume no one needed any help tonight or in the AM from me. Okay, need to go and break the piggy bank....
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Sorry Folks. Busy day. Those that have covered the critical areas already, Thank you!!!

At this juncture, I'm finally back at the house after an evening with the Officers at Jay Onereef's house, with our guest speaker tomorrow, Marc Levenson.

It's going to be a fun day, (if only I can make it One more day....)

Report to me in the morning please.

Doors open to the Public at 10 AM, please see me before then to help with Vendors after 8. I'll be there at 7:30.
