2011 WTMRAC Frag Swap Booth Space Update

Mako Shark II

Fish are Friends not Food
Folks "“
The Frag Swap Floorspace allocations are shaping up like this:


We currently have nine (9) open slots remaining.

The following is who I have heard from:


If your name does not appear in the chart above, please email me at marty.klauss@yahoo.com

Details are contained in the following threads:



Thank You for your continued support!

Marty Klauss - Vice President
West Tennessee Marine & Reef Aquarium Club

1001 Newington Street
Collierville, TN 38017
(901) 573-8713 "“ Cell

Marty, you should also have jabo down for table 6 now. Also, my little brother has a 40g complete setup and 58g complete stup for sale so he would like table 8. Thank you sir!
Friday Access

Friday Access

The tables are being delivered between 10-AM and Noon.

Displaying Sponsors and Vendors will be able to get access to the Hall, AFTER NOON (and not sooner, due to the Club's requirement to set-up).

Please do us all a Favor and Don't Abuse the privilege.

Doors Close at 7PM Friday night and will Re-Open at 8AM.

Show starts at 10AM on Saturday!

Thanks Very Much!