20L marco tank build.

When I get home tonight gonna get my new heater in an long with a better aqua scape.
And place the macros on the LR.

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Update time...
Thought I would post a few photos of the macros on the bag.


purple fine branching coralline:

string of pearls:

Red fern:


red grape

Dragons breath

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gracilicria hayi:

Blue scroll:

purple branching:

Violet flame:

C. cupressides & Cashmedi:

Halimeda opuntia:

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so all the macros came in looking pretty good except the fine corlline purple branching. more on that later.

no for the scaping...

attaching macros is much like coral frags. I did the "sandwich" method a lil supper glue gel on the macros the some JB water weld the gel on that then to LR..was a lil messy and got some JB and gel on a few on the macros...but all in all..after a few hrs gluing we got it.
Here is a nice scape I made with a few macros on a pice of LR

Violet flame & purple branching on a coral head.

String of pearls on coral head. I did it this way Soni could figure out where in the tank it like best as far as flow and lighting once I know that and it has grown some I'll frag it then add it to the LR.

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A current full tank shot: top down..


Left side:

Right side:

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Yeah me too! I have about 5 more types of macros I hope to add. Just gonna see how these do 1st.
Pretty sure I lost or am losing the fine corlline cluster as it turning all white.
Hopefully it pulls through tho..

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so i'll update. lost most of the fine corlline the fern curlepia lost its 2 leaves but the roots are in the sand so it might come back?

I did place an order for fish from L.A
2x sey shrimp supper excited about these guys!
1X green clown goby
1X cannary blenny

be nice to have some movement in the tank.

really wanted the Kaudern's Cardinalfish next order I guess..
Update time.

I did get the order in from LA.
The green Clown is very shy and the canary blenny is so so.
Both fish are not feeding so well.
Only pick on the sand after I feed.

Have not Sean my sexy shrimp in days. Maybe the canary ate them? That is a real bummer as I was so excited about them. :(
My cleaner shrimp for my 90 disapired aswell so no luck with shrimp yet.

Did my 1st water change around 4 gallons. I am getting some HA growing on the glass stand and one rock From feeding and the fish not really eating.

Besides the green and fine purple I lost alage is doing good.
Most noticeable growth is in the red grape frags. Maybe 1/4" growth.

My dragons breth broke. I think from spilling some glue on it then 1st trying to attach it to the Lr. I glued it back down with a small branch on right side of the tank.

Tank is still very new but here are some pics


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Left side:

Right side:

So now the challenge is to grow the macros but not the hair alage. Was really hoping I could avoid the HA. With all the macros...
Wish me luck

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I'll get out my camera once of this eve. And take some better pics.

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Hey guys. OK update...
So hear the deal I added that canary blenny grown goby and the sexy shrimp.
After 2nd day never saw the shrimp again.

Still can't get the fish to get from water so food goes to bottom. That alone with a very small CUC I got HA pretty bad...

Just been trying to deal with that. I'll try to get some pics up soon.

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Here is a tank pic as you can see I have an out break of GHA :(
Thinking about adding an up flow ATS to help get it under control.


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as you can see it bad it covering alot of my macros. water chance, feeding less and the fish dont seam to be eating and manual removal.

oh I did add 2 pices of mermaid fan. there the green ones on the left.
ok so I have been battling the GA with WC and manual removal. just getting better but decided I needed to up my game.

was between
HOB skimmer

now all have there pros and cons as we know..
so alot of back and forth and time spend on reefs forums I made a choose.

I went with the intank media basket for the AC50 will run phosgard, BRS ROX carbon along with filter floss. and continue to do WC and manual removal.

this was a hard chose to make I did want to keep it simple one one hand but work on the other. being a maco tank makes it an odd challenge. as I do want the PO$ and now to lower a bit. ( well actually I just want the HA gone.) but keep it high enough to support the macros.

the goodies came in today i'll post pics soon.
the intank media basket is built very nice now lets see if it works like intended. by forcing the H20 through the media.
Update time:
Got the in tank media basket in for the AC. 50 the build quality is top notch. Could of DIY something but decided to give it a try.

Added some phosguard to my DIY media bag.

And this is how I am running it:

Filter floss to bio media to phosguard ( going to add BRS Rox carbon once it come in tomorrow.)

Anyone see problems with this set up?

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