210 gallon reef in the making


New member
Well ive got every inche of this thing planned out. From diagrams to lists its all done. I just need the money now lol. Well i was wondering if i had too many fish on my fish list for my future 210 gallon reef tank. K here it is:

1 majestic angel
1 copperband butterfly
1 heniochus or moorish idol
1 yellow tang
1 blue regal tang
1 powder blue tang
1 clown or maybe other tang
( i will be adding more fish later but the rest are small-medium fish like gobies, wrasses etc..)

Well do you guys think itll be too many fish or will it be okay. Any advice will be greatly appreciated thanks. :bounce1:
Like i recomend in your pms, take out the clown tang and list looks good. Not sure on the butterflys getting along no experience witht them.
too get an accurate assessment of what fish you want you should give us more details like what kind of filtration you will have. i have a 100 gallon stock tank for my sump and i have a 90 gallon fuge all on my 210. i also have about 400 lbs of live rock. personally i think that your list will be fine even with the clown tang in there if your filtration is up to par. you might have to watch him just for the fact that he might get aggressive and nip at your other tangs. that is just my opionion though.
Thanks for the response am3gross. Sorry about not giving info about the tank. Well here it is:

210 AGA tank
Sump will be about 40 gallons
Protein skimmer will be either deltec or octopus not sure which one yet (one that is rated at least twice the tank)
About 240 pounds of LR
Live sand
OuterOrbit Lighting from Current Usa with 250w HQI
MIxed reef with 50% sps, 30% lps and 20% softies.

And for the tang im plannin to add all of them together to decrease aggression. And also i know it might be a bit much but do you guys think i could just add a blue throat trigger to the list. Thanks for the help guys :bounce1:
my 210 is about the same but i have an H&S a200 1260. i think you should cut out the butterflys because they dont seem to do well in reefs. i think you should remove the clown tang and not add another as you allready have alot of tangs. jmo
The reason i say cut out the clown tang is not really about if your bioload can handle it or not. Its cause they can and will become agressive and usually don't farewell in people tanks. It can lead to problems with your other tangs.
I know it is different in everyone's tank with there fish but just to give you my thoughts. I have a 180g right now and my fish consist of
Bi-color Angel
Impertor Angel
Regal Tang
Achillies Tang
Yellow Tang
Blonde Naso
(red sea) Salfin Tang
Copperband Butterfly
So far I have not had any major arguements with my fish the Sailfin was my first and the largest. The only problem I have is he will swim in circles around the other fish but they have never attacked each other. Now this is just how mine are living together I just know it can be. Now everytime I was going to add a new fish I always had my other tank ready to go in-case I had to pull them out but yet have not had a problem and my fish have been with me for over a year now.
Wow alota fish your giving me hope here lol. Yea your absolutely right, its going to be different with all fish. You won't know if it will work unless you try it out.

Also you got any pics of your tanks yoboyjdizz and paikuhan
Damnnn nice tank bro. Man now i REALLY want a moorish idol :bounce1: Thanks for sharing.

K so my list right now is

1 majestic angel
1 copperband buttefly ( i want to try it out no offence to people against it)
1 moorish idol (its yoboyjdizz fault for making me want one even more lol)
1 blue regal tang
1 powder blue tang
1 yellow tang

(i will be adding small-medium fish too)

Do you guys think itd be alright (in terms of swimming room and aggression) if i added one more tang (i LOVE tangs) and a blue troat trigger ?
Im not going to say don't add an idol cause i do have one myself but i do second guess myself on it for why i have one. So far my idol has been doing good but its only been 4 months so only time will tell. Until i can say its been a few years then i will say i made the right choice. My gut feeling is that they belong in the ocean but after studying this fish since i got in this hobby and reading all i can and preparing to do whatever it takes and setup my tank around the idols needs i thought i give it try. If i were you i would read this thread first before you decide on what you want to do. http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&postid=10493082#post10493082
I want to quickly weigh in on the clown tang. I have one in my 120 and he has been in my tank for about a year now. I keep him with a sailfin, cole, and regal blue tang and eventhough he definetely is the dominent fish amount them, he has never attack any of the other tangs or fish in my tank. He is fast and will harass new comers to my tank so I would add a clown last. For my tank I really wanted either a sohal or a clown but settled on the clown, its a beautiful fish and I dont regret it.

As I'm sure yoboydizz can attest to with his idol, it is sometimes worth taking the risk on a nice fish as long as you are prepared to deal with its care needs and the hassle of having to remove it if necessary.

Good luck.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10510549#post10510549 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by thirschmann

As I'm sure yoboydizz can attest to with his idol, it is sometimes worth taking the risk on a nice fish as long as you are prepared to deal with its care needs and the hassle of having to remove it if necessary.

Good luck.

It is. One of my favorite fish always out always following me around never shy. Would eat out of my hands but the feeling is just so weird for me haha.
lol looks like the clown tang is back on the list =) thanks thirschmann. Sorry all but i still want to try it out.

k so the list now is:

1 majestic angel
1 copperband butterfly
1 moorish idol
1 blue regal tang
1 yellow tang
1 clown tang
1 powder blue tang
( i will adding more fish but the rest are small-medium fish)

Also do you guys think i could add a blue throat trigger to this? Any expericen with them