21x21x21 The new cube !


The OG mad scientist
Here's a couple of pics of one of our new endeavors. This cube will be mostly sps and was made locally by the "tigeron" Manny.Great craftsmanship and details.

We will hopefully be plumbing and getting it going soon at my brothers.
Been trying to get him back in the saddle for a while and finally he will be setting up another tank.

Crappy phone pics.

[/IMG] :D
well lulio it had to fit a preexisting stand- that we had for a biocube plus a light fixture.

If my calculations are right is about 40 gallons.

Flow will be with two 6025's and sump/skimmer combo form etss protean system.
Manny, Does the overflow grills goes all the way to the top or close? it doesn't look like it does in the pic, if so, that may cause the water level to be above the grill thus forming an ugly gunk film on the water surface.
Other than that it looks very nice, look forward to see this project progresses
Very nice,

I was at his shop while he was putting it together.

Are you putting a background of some type on the back wall?

I will follow closely also may be interested in something similar after I swap the 90 in my room for the 210 in the dining, after all these years I need to look at a tank to fall to sleep:D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=#post target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rogger Castells
Manny, Does the overflow grills goes all the way to the top or close? it doesn't look like it does in the pic, if so, that may cause the water level to be above the grill thus forming an ugly gunk film on the water surface.
Other than that it looks very nice, look forward to see this project progresses
close enuff- its about 2 inches less.
has been considered.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=#post target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by djfrankie
Very nice,

I was at his shop while he was putting it together.

Are you putting a background of some type on the back wall?

need to paint it black or blue.
I believe Krylon will work right ?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11564916#post11564916 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gasman059
need to paint it black or blue.
I believe Krylon will work right ?


Post some pics after the paint job.

Cute, but I don't trust acrylic tanks, especially after what happened at the school. Is that on carpet or tile?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11565081#post11565081 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by pedromatic
Cute, but I don't trust acrylic tanks, especially after what happened at the school. Is that on carpet or tile?
lol tile.
the sump has a lrger volume than the tank.;)- hopefully will get a one way valve somehwere in the mix:thumbsup:
Awesome set up

Awesome set up

Great start ...
can't wait to see the final product. *with livestock*

I want to build a cube as well...24X24X14 tall
how much was it? if you dont mind?


Re: Awesome set up

Re: Awesome set up

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=#post target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Felix1021
Great start ...
can't wait to see the final product. *with livestock*

I want to build a cube as well...24X24X14 tall
how much was it? if you dont mind?


gotta call Manny;)
gottcha...thanks..i guess i'll call him when i get closer to setting it up...good luck with yours and love the rimless/clean look

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=#post target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by cubano2480

I sow that cube already in many shop :p
Guajiro don't u be spying on my projects now.