I have a 220 set up for 4 months now which is thriving. It is mostly FOWLR with a few soft corals. It is aquascaped with some awesome Florida live rock which has about 8 differnt variations of plant growth. The tank will never be a full reef tank loaded with hard corals. My equipment is a MRC 3 skimmer, 72 inch Aquatinics T5 with 14 bulbs, 40 watt aqua UV, 50 gallon sump and the new Fluval X5 cannister filter which I fill with filter fiber, carbon and phosban. The parameters are all excellent and the water crystal clear.
To date , I have the following fish, all of which are peaceful and doing well.
*1 Rock Beauty
*3 Percula Clowns
*1 Pygmy angel
*2 male Lyretail Anthias
*1 Algae Blenny
*1 Shrimp Blenny
*1 Red scotter Blenny
In my QT, I also have a Purple Psuedo and Flame angel(3.5 inches) which will be ready to go in next week.
My wish list for future fish is as follow:
1 Powder blue tang or Naso
1 Regal Angel
3 Female Lyretails
1 Coral Beauty
1 Purple Tang.
I know the Regal is meek and timid while the PB is aggressive but my priority is the Regal of the list. The Rock Beauty rules the tank now and I fear how he might react to the newcomer Regal.
Anyone have anty thoughts on this?????? Also, what should be the priority of who gets added first.
Thanks Mates
Hobby Experience: 25 years fresh, one salt
Current Tanks: 55 fresh, 220 salt, 20 QT, 10 Nano Reef
To date , I have the following fish, all of which are peaceful and doing well.
*1 Rock Beauty
*3 Percula Clowns
*1 Pygmy angel
*2 male Lyretail Anthias
*1 Algae Blenny
*1 Shrimp Blenny
*1 Red scotter Blenny
In my QT, I also have a Purple Psuedo and Flame angel(3.5 inches) which will be ready to go in next week.
My wish list for future fish is as follow:
1 Powder blue tang or Naso
1 Regal Angel
3 Female Lyretails
1 Coral Beauty
1 Purple Tang.
I know the Regal is meek and timid while the PB is aggressive but my priority is the Regal of the list. The Rock Beauty rules the tank now and I fear how he might react to the newcomer Regal.
Anyone have anty thoughts on this?????? Also, what should be the priority of who gets added first.
Thanks Mates
Hobby Experience: 25 years fresh, one salt
Current Tanks: 55 fresh, 220 salt, 20 QT, 10 Nano Reef