220g Island

Been a a month since a update.
Sea water, Established tank water,Live sand, and live rock really makes a difference in the time it takes to get a tank up and running.

I'll let the pictures speak for themselves




Got these gorgonias from a reefer that got them from the keys

Scary green star, open brain, Rbta

The tong coral is about 15" long, Brain is the size of a melon.
I'm happy with the lighting, Corals seem to be responding nice and the clams seem happy.

You don't like my aquascaping :(
I had to keep the rock off the glass and provide a area for the corals and clams that'll stay on the sandbed. I have a couple 40lb rocks in there which dictated the placement.

I still have to plumb the sump to the chiller which will be outside and install a fan in the canapy.
looking good!

though i do suggest moving up the crocea. it looks like its overextending its mantles upwards for more light.
Tank is doing great
I will post some pics over the weekend.

I have changed my aquascape 3 times to get what I like. Think I have it set. It's a low wall in the middle of the tank with lots of caves.

Thanks, I moved the clam up about a week after I took the picture, It is still reaching for the light so I'm probably going to switch out my DE 150w HQI's and install the SE 250w that I have sitting in the garage. I used the 150's b/c they are in a fixture with 4 96wPC and 3 mool lights.

I was still having trouble with getting the MR2 to work properly so I have my AquaC UrchinPro in the sump being run by a mag7. It's doing fine. I get a about a cups of (gag reaction) skim each day.

I've purchased 2 new plate's that i'll take pictures of this weekend. I've fragged the nice orange one. It had a dead spot so I just fragged it into 3 nice pieces. 2 days after being fragged, it was already healing and trying to eat. One of the new one's was super discounted due to a dead spot so I'll be fragging it over the weekend.

I've added a sailfin, and flame angle to the tank. The purple and brown tang were banished to the sump until the sailfin is fattend up and gets some courage to keep it's ground.

I had been feeding my rbta krill once a week and it has split.

Added a cleaner shrimp. It litteraly grabs every fish that passes it and goes to work. It's fun watching them b/c whenever one fish is being cleaned the sailfin comes and pushes his way in to get cleaned.

I purchased a 5 stage 100gpd ro/di that I'll install next week. The sump has a float valve that I've been feeding via a 7gal jug. It'll ease my mind one I get the tube run to the tank from the sink. I'll just have to hide the tube as it goes through the dining room. I have a 4g pressure tank. I'll go to HD, lowes, and some plubing supply stores to see how much a larger tank would cost.

TUNZE 6080 failed so I talked with support and I'm sending the pump in for repair. So i placed a spare return pump in the tank that pushes about 1500gph. It's a little less that the tunze but it'll due for now. I put a extra fan on the sump to compensate for the extra heat.

Purchased a Redsea wavemaker pro. Why, b/c it was in front of me and i had 4 powerheads laying around. I'll scratch my head and determin how i'll use it.

I need to find me one more 55g drum so I can mix my water in the garage. For the last 3 months I been having 150g of SeaWater deliverd for my water changes. Yes i change over 50%.

I've started dripping limewater and already see new growth and better coloration on the few acros I have in the tank. I'll probably get a calcium reator down the road once I do my research.
This was my 2nd attempt at aquascaping. It looked ok but I felt like I needed to add more rock.

This is how it looks right now.


Moved the hammers down to the sandbed.


Here is the damaged plate
I decided to frag it. Notice that I tried my best to get a nice sized pice of the mouth on each frag. It is already trying to eat and is healing nicely



I took some night shots of the purple plate. When I first got the orange one I thought it puffed up big. Well it had nothing on this purple one. The orane one will stay puffed up all day and night but the puple one only at night in moon or no light. If i turn a on a light in the room it goes down in like 15seconds.

Here it is in the daytime around 4PM

Here it is at 11PM. Moonlights are on. Using flash on camera

Side Shot


To many camera flashes, it's going down
Great tank Tiger-eye!

Can i ask where you got the sand? I'm about to fill my 180 and need about 200lbs.
I got my sand from treeman but it's my understanding that he no longer sells it directly. Great stuff! I used the RC calculator and ended up with to much, purchased 11-40lb bags. only used 7. Gave the rest to a friend. For that price I could afford to do so. Some say that the stuff in the professional bag is sifted and free of larger particles. Yes it is, there were some shells in mine but it looks just fine, looks more natural. I didn't get any sand storm until I started moving rocks around which can be expected with any sand.

Link to the post where you can get the sand.
I temporarily setup the 5stage rodi in the garage. I got a garden hose adapter and about 25ft of tube. Only had to use 10ft of tube to get from the faucet to the filter.
water from the spiget reads 197ppm.
After 1.5 hours of running the water through the first four filters only it was down to 4 ppm.
Ran it through the DI for about 10 minutes and tested 0ppm.

I'll run some more water through today and test. But for the most part I think it is ready. No more lugging jugs to the LFS.

I now have to decide which salt to use. I used oceanic in Arkansas but haven't seen it down here. I'll do some more looking.