Tank is doing great
I will post some pics over the weekend.
I have changed my aquascape 3 times to get what I like. Think I have it set. It's a low wall in the middle of the tank with lots of caves.
Thanks, I moved the clam up about a week after I took the picture, It is still reaching for the light so I'm probably going to switch out my DE 150w HQI's and install the SE 250w that I have sitting in the garage. I used the 150's b/c they are in a fixture with 4 96wPC and 3 mool lights.
I was still having trouble with getting the MR2 to work properly so I have my AquaC UrchinPro in the sump being run by a mag7. It's doing fine. I get a about a cups of (gag reaction) skim each day.
I've purchased 2 new plate's that i'll take pictures of this weekend. I've fragged the nice orange one. It had a dead spot so I just fragged it into 3 nice pieces. 2 days after being fragged, it was already healing and trying to eat. One of the new one's was super discounted due to a dead spot so I'll be fragging it over the weekend.
I've added a sailfin, and flame angle to the tank. The purple and brown tang were banished to the sump until the sailfin is fattend up and gets some courage to keep it's ground.
I had been feeding my rbta krill once a week and it has split.
Added a cleaner shrimp. It litteraly grabs every fish that passes it and goes to work. It's fun watching them b/c whenever one fish is being cleaned the sailfin comes and pushes his way in to get cleaned.
I purchased a 5 stage 100gpd ro/di that I'll install next week. The sump has a float valve that I've been feeding via a 7gal jug. It'll ease my mind one I get the tube run to the tank from the sink. I'll just have to hide the tube as it goes through the dining room. I have a 4g pressure tank. I'll go to HD, lowes, and some plubing supply stores to see how much a larger tank would cost.
TUNZE 6080 failed so I talked with support and I'm sending the pump in for repair. So i placed a spare return pump in the tank that pushes about 1500gph. It's a little less that the tunze but it'll due for now. I put a extra fan on the sump to compensate for the extra heat.
Purchased a Redsea wavemaker pro. Why, b/c it was in front of me and i had 4 powerheads laying around. I'll scratch my head and determin how i'll use it.
I need to find me one more 55g drum so I can mix my water in the garage. For the last 3 months I been having 150g of SeaWater deliverd for my water changes. Yes i change over 50%.
I've started dripping limewater and already see new growth and better coloration on the few acros I have in the tank. I'll probably get a calcium reator down the road once I do my research.