225 Slow Reef Build


New member
Hi Guys Well I finally decided to post a build thread and I'm terrified to mess up publicly! Lol... What pushed me to finally post is my progress it's been going so slow and I think with a thread I might be able to speed up things and some help that I will need since I am no expert by any means. I started this build around November when I tore down my 300g Fowlr Tank. Anyways Here goes nothing... I will be reusing my skimmer from my old tank and a few other items. I also want to automate my lights so I can easily move it out of the way when cleaning the tank also it must be able to hold atleast 100lbs.

Tank: Deep Sea Aquatics 3 sides Low Iron Glass/Starphire 72x36x20 2 returns and 4 holes for CL
Filtration : ELOS NS 4000 w/ 2 eheim 1260's
Lightning : ATI 6x80HO (DIY Upgrade Comming Soon)
Flow : 1x Snapper for Return, 1x Snapper/Dart Hybrid attached to om4 , 2 tunze 6105's or 2x Mp60's ( Havent really decided I might go with tunze's)

Currently The tank is inside the house with alomost complete stand

I had to run my humidifier wood dried out too much in the garage since it's been there for 6months.

Some pics of my progress before starting this thread.

Prepping Some Rocks For Some Bleach and Acid Bath



After Bleach and Acid Bath


Some pics that I took before this thread

skin and stand the day i got it had to ask my friend to stand up for scale lolz


After painting


Skin finally attached to the stand
I Have been lurkig around these forums and threads for a few months now and a couple tanks really inspired to do this build so some of my stuff that I will build will be somewhat similar:)

I have been working on this the past few days

Automatic Light Lifter With Box

What do you guys think about this stain color it will be high gloss.