22g LPS build

Water is now clear and up to temp, adding bacteria and ammonia today. Sand bed is about 1-1.5 inches, I have a single powerhead in the corner and a heater. The final plumbing will probably be an OASE canister, I like they have a slot for the heater built into the canister. Pretty sure will use Fzone lily glass pipes for in/out in order to minimalize any visible equipment. They have a nice design for surface agitation and skimming.


Low iron glass is the only tanks I will ever buy again, I hope these pictures really capture just how magnificently pristine everything looks with only minimal reflective glare.


There was a film on the inside of the glass I didn't notice because I filled it with water before removing the outside plastic wrap.
I cleaned the exterior with RODI and a microfiber cloth. The interior has this smudging, probably when it was filled during quality control check and/or shipping in the cardboard box. Had I thought of it, I would have also wiped down the inside of the tank. Ill get a wand or something to scrape it clean. Here are some shots of the smudge/film.

I believe the lack of wiping down the interior of the tank prior to filling with water to be the culprit of the film at the top of the water you see only from below. I'm sure when I wipe the glass inside and over the course of a few water changes with surface skimming, Ill have it all removed.


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Looking really good. Most new tanks do seem to get that initial film that goes away with a quick wipe
Still going through the cycle.

For the invert QT tank:
Added some bacteria. Spore culture and refrigerated colonies.
Also put some ceramic media in to help those along.
The ammonia 1
Nirites 5
Nitrates 10

Lost one hermit to some sort of scuffle over a shell I believe.
#2 was always going after the #1's shell and I guess it finally just was enough.
Halloween crab just wasn't having it and I found him munching on the carcass of his repeat challenger.

For the Display tank:
I also added bacteria in both room temp spore and refrigerated live form.
Unfortunately the ammonia I overshot over the course of the last week.
This is my fault for following the directions but not testing.
Directions are a guideline but you need to test to make sure.
The Ammonia was well in the 8 range when it should have been at 2.
After a week I only had Nitrite .25 Nitrate 0

So I did a %50 water change and started over a couple days ago, here are the results...
Now the Ammonia tests 3 (still high but not abusive), nitrites 2.5 and nitrates 10.
So things are finally starting to produce bacteria.
I dropped the salinity to .021 and raised the temp to 85 degrees to help the bacteria speed up reproduction.

QT Tank #2 being setup today:
Picked up another QT tank yesterday, a JBJ 8g Desktop series nano.
Some extra powerheads, heaters and another live bacteria.
Going to set up my fish QT tank today and get that started now that the inverts are halfway through their QT period.

Live Rock cycling chamber:
Decided to throw in 20lbs of dead Aragonite sand and couple dozen lbs. of my leftover Marco rocks into a bin.
I added some ammonia and bacteria just for giggles. Put a powerhead and heater.
I also have about 150lbs of Marco rocks laying around from my adventures in reefkeeping a decade ago.
Its been dry the whole time, bleached from the sun. Going to pressure wash it off and add that to the bin as well.

I see people charging $5-8 per lb of LR...but its from established reef tanks...I went that route once and carried in all sorts of pests.
IDK if there is a local market for cycled LR that has zero pests in it but well see. If it doesnt sell...not a big deal since Ill been needing some next summer anyways.
Live rock is a slow seller around here unless truly priced to sell (like 100lbs for $50). That said dry rock is usually a quick sell at about $1-$2 per pound. That’s just around here.
Anyone wondering about the salinity and temp in the DT changes, here is my reasoning...
I lowered the temp last night and started to raise the salinity a bit because my concern for rapidly ramping up bacterial growth reduced.
I'm going to add some Ammonia in order to keep feeding the spike that is now happening.

Ill level off the salinity as I get closer to adding the first round of inverts in the coming weeks.
Nitrates trending down.
42.2 looks like I'm over the hump!
Still going to be adding a little bit of Ammonia every few days since there is no livestock intended yet.
If I took some of my ceramic bio media, broke them into smaller pieces and buried them in the sand of my DT would that cause problems over time?
I don’t think you’d have any issues. But I’m not sure why you’d want to
Im still undecided on a reactor down below.
Ceramic bio balls cut in half buried in the back of the sand bed up in the DT would give me the larger culture.
Something I would have put in a reactor.
There are pros and cons to a reactor.
I only use live rock as my bio media, so take this for what it’s worth, my thought on biomedia is that water has to run through it to work effectively, so I don’t know how being buried in the sand would work well.

@kharmaguru @Timfish any thoughts?
I only use live rock as my bio media, so take this for what it’s worth, my thought on biomedia is that water has to run through it to work effectively, so I don’t know how being buried in the sand would work well.

@kharmaguru @Timfish any thoughts?
Funny, never got a notification. I'm with you, burying ceramic biomedia seem counterintuitive. Unclogged in an area of steady flow would be most effective.
Thanks for the input. These weren't around when I was in the hobby a decade ago, totally new and awesome concept to me.
Plastic Bioballs were kind of hit and miss with the community in terms of reception back then.
As you can see below, I arranged them in a line across the back of the tank.
There is a power head flowing mid tank just to see what it will look like and how they settle in the sand.
Aesthetically it is a detractor in an empty tank, but I have to imagine livestock going into the rockscape and filling out.


They can always be pulled out and I can go with an alternate plan.
I got an Oase 350 at rock bottom price yesterday $120 brand new!
So I have a plan B emergency ready to go anytime now.

Tank is cycled and I will seed it with pods/phyto today and continue to feed small amounts of Phytoplankton to keep the pod population alive. I'm setting up something in the laundry room to have a live culture of both pods and phyto on demand. Also feeding a wee bit of Ammonia every other day to keep it going since there is no livestock in the DT yet.

Saw this today, I really hope I'm looking at the beginning of coralline growth.
I seeded the tank a couple weeks ago with purple and pink in a bottle. Wasn't expecting coralline spots for a few months.

I also set up a QT for fish a few weeks ago, have a Bi-color blenny and Royal Gramma I saw at the LFS in the same tank.
I know....no points for creativity on livestock. But these are the peaceful inhabitants I want introduced first and not much other choice out there locally.

A fresh water dip revealed flukes, then I put them in a 10g bare bottom with some toys to hide in and treated with Prazipro.
Next day the some stringy poo (worms?); they have been in a Prazipro dose long enough with no further symptoms.
Going to be doing an elevated copper plan this weekend after I have the Prazipro dosed 100% water changed.

Inverts in QT are nearing 30 days, I've seen numbers from 30-70 days QT for inverts.
30 was hard enough lol and 1/3 of the hermits have been lost to death matches with each other.
All the snails are in tact ironically.
sounds promising man well done, love the stand how long is that stand and that you got from costco please send the link to it
70 inch cabinet; its not in the Costco catalog anymore.

Lost the Royal Gramma a few days before QT was about to conclude :(
During the final water change, I moved the hobbit house landscape to the other side of the QT tank.
Fish got scared and hid behind the heater. I left it alone not wanting to force the issue.
Next day I found the Gramma on the carpet :(
Jumped past the cover through the space where the head of the heater had been sitting.
The blenny is safe and boss of his tank, next wave of fish will wrap up in a couple weeks.

Got a few heads of assorted Euphyllia acting as canary in the coal mine using a cheap LED meant to do low level LPS.
My main lights arrived the other day and I'm prepping to hang them as soon as my PAR meter arrives.

I setup a Phyto and Pod station so I can dose an assortment of wild food.
The tank is crawling with microscopic life and long term I intend to have a Dragonet.


The Brown stage uglies came and went, I never really had that much of a bloom.
It did leave the rock under the temp lights brown tinted.

I see shades of coralline sprout for a few days then die off every couple weeks.
Just not established/stable enough yet to take hold.

Water changes are easy and quick, I don't have anything enough to stress the system yet, so I only do a courtesy couple gallons every other week for now.