240 gal reef cube under construction.....


New member
Started my tank today......Using 1/2 acrylic......tank size is going to be 48in x 48ln x 24in deep..Planning a center over flow for 360degree veiwing.

I plan to have all the peice cut and ready for glueing to day...

Any feed back will be welcome :eek1:
If there will be a euro brace across the top, the 1/2" wall thickness should be fine.
I upgraded to 1" wall thickness on my 240 cube so that I wouldn't need any top bracing.
Good luck with the build. Its a great size tank.
Here is the rough cuttout useing a skill saw blade pitch was 14/10
it work well but the edges uneven and wavey....so i will need to finish using a 1/2 flush trim bit.....
That is my dream tank. I love the idea of being able to view all four sides. I was actually running that scenario in my mind today. I want to know how you manage wires from the lights above the tank, and the wires from below the tank and keep them out of site?
I will be posting pics ......<as soon as i figure out how :smokin: >...Have made some awesome headway today...
Lets see some pictures! I am about ready to add water to my 240 cube (same dimensions) I went with 3/4" acrylic but they said 1/2" would of been fine. Mine will be viewable from 3 sides.