2400 gallon mega build help and ideas needed


New member
After many months i have approval from council for my new house.
With any new house the planes have place for a new reef aquarium 120x48x48 1200 gallon display tank i will be running a sump tank under the main display 60x24x24 and a in ground 1100 gallon polly tank so im looking at around 2400 gallon or 9100L of total water volume. The in ground tank is to help with water temp as i live in Australia and we have many days where temp is up at 40c or 104f and the cost to have the extra water volume in not a great deal at all.
The tank stand sump and suround is no problem at all and there is enough space for a foot behind the tank for better access from behind. Im also looking at having a front panel made the will lift up to ceiling level for front access and using a rig with all the lighting that can be raised or lowered with an electric motor. There is also a small shed going outside the house with a door going to in behind the tank . i have already a teco tr120 chillier and a backup generator that is more then caperable of running everything for the aquarium and what's needed in the house
Where i start to run in to problems is the water drainage and flow i don't want to see any pipe work in the tank at all in thinking of closed loop and reefflo 5200 gpg pumps for flow using Oceans Motions id like not to have to run any flow pumps/power heads if i can get away with it if i need to it would only be in the back of the tank hidden by rock also i seem to have a problem with a heater should it get to cold i just can't find anything out there big enough is solar heating but if its so cold i need a heater solar is no good. If you have any ideas on drainage and heating would be a big help
Don't think of heaters in terms of one heater to run the whole shebang. Instead use multiple heaters. That way if one gets stuck at the "on" position it will be too small to cause too much damage on its own.

Don't think of heaters in terms of one heater to run the whole shebang. Instead use multiple heaters. That way if one gets stuck at the "on" position it will be too small to cause too much damage on its own.


everything has to have a fail safe so far what i can come up with is running llike a 2nd sump with multiple heaters on a few banks of temp control units and again a few heaters as a fail safe set 1 ' lower
Avoid having water volumes outside, as the outside temp swings daily. If you can build a basement that is capable of being in the 68-73 degree mark, you can keep a stable temp this way as your house will cool your tank... not a chiller....

redundant systems.... heaters, chillers, temp probes.... a failsafe pump and generator to keep water turning.... my large system had two pumps... one on standby, if one pump went off, the backup pump kicked on via UPS.... I got a page... the B/U pump pumped at half capacity but gave me 30hrs of run time.... enough for me to get home... repair or get a generator hooked up to the main....