265 gallon project

Looks nice!

I am having Alk issue too over a CO2 bottle running dry. I just can't seem to adjust it after a change. This is only the third CO2 tank I have used and it seems to happen with each new bottle???

Does your blue stripped rabbit eat zoos and shrooms? Mine is a finned trash can!
Looks great! Thanks for the update!
What are you doing to take top down shots? I made a box out of acrylic scrapes and it seems to work well.
i shut all the pumps off and let it sit for about 2 minutes and take the shots then. i'd like a camera box so i wouldnt have to do that everytime
I'm now officially tagging along. For the 100th time, great aquaspcaping and overall great tank. I have a couple of questions, how is the Powder Blue tang doing and how long did you take to add your fish? Did you quarantine them all first? Any ich outbreaks? Thanks
Oh and lastly, I read that you have two mandarins. Are both male or female or one of each? Asking because I have one and want to add the other type as well. Thanks
hey tangwich. i got rid of the powder blue a few months ago. he was a bastard and will kill anything added into the tank. i'm not saying its good but i have not qt'd any fish and never had any ich issues. i have a green spotted and a psycedelic and i added a second psychedelic but the other killed it then the green spotted killed the original psychedelic. if that makes sense. i will not add another because of this.
i lucked out on getting a hold of a few new pieces. they need to color up a bit but i think they are going to rock.





Looks great dude. Thanks for posting the new pictures. I get lost in all the subscriptions so please forgive the late post. Your tank is awesome!

These photos simply ROCK! I love the photos, especially those showing the fish being hand-fed. It's great to see your tank is coming along. I am sooooooo slow in adding to my tank. I finally added 3 more fish and some more corals. I guess I need to post major updates to my thread. Your fish seem to be doing well. Being a Tang fan, I was a little leary as to how many tangs I can add. However, being we have the same size tank, you have defintely provided the ground work. I was really worried when you added the Powder Blue as they are notoriously mean. Glad you took him out early on. Keep up the awesome work! I will continue to follow!
WOW! I am working on a 265 set-up also...I am going more along the LPS and fish route., How many fish...and what species do you have in there at this point?