265 gallon project

you knew this was coming didnt you brad :)

first off if you guys are just starting your tanks dont load it up. go really slow and be picky with what you add. as far as fish load, i have more then i probably 'should' have in peoples opinions but i've been very picky with what goes in tank. alot of fish will stay fairly small. i have quite a few tangs but there is no aggression between any of them, they are very healthy, and my water quality is good. with having a bigger bioload means more maintenance.
i havent made a fish list yet, i scribbled one on a piece of paper the other day for untamed12 and i think i got 43 in total.

3 bartlett anthias
3 redbar anthias
3 lyretail anthias
5 chromis
2 bluethroat triggers
2 oscellaris clowns
3 scopa tangs
flame hawk
freckled hawk
saddleback clown
greenspotted mandarin
foxface rabbit
blueline rabbit
blonde naso
striatus tang
juve orange shoulder
chocolate tang
regal tang
vlamingi tang
pair of bellus angels
flame angel
juve emperor angel
mated pair of bengaii cardinals
mystery wrassse
fairy wrasse
cleaner wrasse

i think thats it
i'm using a H&S1260-200. i need to do an updated FTS for sure but i have some new pics i took using a photo box. makes life alot easier using this rather than shutting all pumps and fans off and waiting for the water to go still





I am about to pay you the greatest compliment when I tell you that I'm very close to breaking down my entire 200+ lbs of LR in my 225g to set it up just like yours. Great job and great pics, thanks.