265 vs 300 G Tank Debate


New member
Ok, I am in the market for buying a large tank. This is a decision I have been thinking about for a month, and the local store I buy from told me that there is a huge tank sale and can get me an awesome price on the 265 and 300DD tanks. Actually, both of these are going to be the same price. However, it ends FRIDAY!!!!! :headwalls:

However, I thought obviously I should go with the bigger tank because of the same price, but he is saying that since the dimensions of the 265 are 84x24 and the 300DD are 72x36 to go with the 265 because of the length which will provide more swimming room for larger fish, which is what I want.

I currently have a 120G and will be upgrading from this. However, now I am confused as to which tank I would want. What do you guys suggest? Would larger fish not use the width, and prefer the length?!
12 inches in length really isn't much of a difference. But I will say wider is better it's also bigger. Plus 12x24 doesn't sound as good as 12x72
is it going to be a reef or fish only. I think you would really appreciate the 36" depth versus the 24" if your doing a reef.
I have a naso and orange shoulder tang in my 120 (Tang police calm down, thats why Im getting the big tank) right now and they both seem to swim in "circles", not back to forth. My naso will go from one side to the other, go to the back, swim around the back all the to the other side, then come back to the front. The extra 12" length is better than the width?
i would do 72x36. 24" front to back isnt very much once you start stacking a bunch of rocks. all your fish will just spend all its time in the front 12-15" of the tank, which isnt very much.
my tank is 96"x40"x27"h ...so I have both the length and the depth...if I had to re-do and choose 1, I'd go for the depth!...much better for aquascaping.

a friend of mine has the 300DD, and it looks great...his tangs and angels love it!
DD vote

DD vote

I just recently got a DD and the additional depth is amazing. I love looking at the tank from 3 different directions!

Also as someone else mentioned the aquascaping is significantly nicer with the additional depth.
DD for sure, I got a 210 with 72inch in length and I keep 6 tangs in there without any issues. 6 feet is plenty for tangs to swim and the added depth will give you amazing ability to aquascape. just my 2 pennies
Everyone keeps mentioning aquascaping but the question is due to tangs. The longer tank is better for the tangs. Especially ones that get over 16" ( naso)
I have the 265...and it's awesome. More depth would be cool...but wouldn't trade it for the length the gangs have to use!
I have the 300DD and love it. I have 6 tang in it and they have plenty of room to swim. With the depth, try and keep your aquascaping in the center to give the fish something to swim around.