265g peninsula tank


New member
I am in the planning stages for a 265g glass tank to be set up as a room divider between my dining room and family room. As it is to be viewed from 3 sides I want to place both bulkheads on the same end. How do I get enough flow to the other side? I was thinking of putting just 2 returns on the opposite corners and painting the piping black to hide them as much as possible. If I did that would I be able to use the same pump for all 4 returns as long as I had 4 overflows on the end with the corner bulkheads. I know I can't possibly be the only one out there who wants or has a tank set up as a peninsula so please all let me know what works and doesn't work for you. Thanks from a newbie, Sue
that or i am used eductors.. on my return.. does a good job my tank is 72x36x26 or is going to be i should say.. still setting up
I, too, have a peninsula. I have all my Tunzes on 2 wall with returns cut through the eurobracing. You see some equipment in the tank but that's ok with me. :)
I am really interested in this ... I have been looking into starting a 10x3x3 peninsula tank. I was leaning more toward a closed loop instead of tunze but I like to SEE and hear all the ideas.
I spoke to Paul at OceanMotions about this very setup and he recommends a rolling turnover inside this kind of tank that causes the water to flow the length of the tank in a direction away from the overflow (down low near the sandbed) When the flow hits the front (viewable) end it's then deflected upwards towards the surface before reversing direction to head back towards your overflow(s). He suggested a closed loop on an OM 4-way that had 2 return jets coming down thru the top bracing near the viewable end (angled back towards the overflow), and, 2 returns that entered thru bulkheads in the backwall down near the sandbed that were angled the length of the tank towards the viewable end.

However, since my 84x36x26 will be an open top design I'm planning a spread of Vortec's down low across the bottom on the end under my external horizontal overflow. Return nozzles will enter thru the non-viewable end up high and will be pointed dowards towards the Vortec's. If the Vortec's work as advertised I should not only get plenty of flow bouncing off the opposite end, but a strong flow coming back towards the overflow up near the surface. And, provided they make good on their promise of a controller I'm hoping for some nice surge action to go with it all.

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How do you guys plan to modify the loop to prevent backflow in the event of a power failure. I live in a rural area and even though we have a generator we aren't always home when the power goes out. Don't want to return home to a lake in my living room. I was told that returns placed low can siphon backwards in the event of a power failure. Sue
its a closed loop.. water is just flowing.. power shuts off it just stops flowing.. doesnt go to the sump or naything.. now you would need a check valve or a siphon hole on the return line to prevent back siphon but dont have to worry about anything with a closed loop
Does anyone have experience in a 240 long 8 feet? I would like to build a pennisula like that with a single overflow on one end. I am seriously considering tunze streams and would like some comment.
The 6000's would oppose each other on the lenght of the tank. I don't like the idea of having the one unit on the glass, but is it really that bad?
What about the rock to hide it on the viewing side. The other side would just be on the overflow.
Tunze recommended buying the 6000's and if not enough then buying the 6100 transformer for $72.00 which is exactly the difference in price of the two. Funny how that works
I was also recommended the 6000's on a 210 but after thinking about it was going to go with 6100's, just have to bite the bullet if you go that way since it was an initally cost savings but might as well get the bigger ones first. May want to wait till the VorTech's make the shelves since I think you'll probably see more of the Tunze setups up for sale. I might go with a 6100 on the veiwable side and hide in the rock. Still up for suggestions. Since then I changed my mind and will probably go with Vortech's one on each end.
I'm in the process of planning a starphire 155 peninsula tank: 60x30x20 with no bracing save for some triangular corner bracing.

I've thought about flow for a while and this is what I came up with, not seeing ANY pumps was VERY important to me:

I'm going to have an external overflow on the one short side of it, with two vortech's blowing water away from the overflow. On the other side of the tank will be a return from the sump, drilled through the bottom and aiming up and back toward the overflow, only about 4" from the bottom pane.

How can you do this without worrying about a siphon? You create an anti-siphon loop in the overflow box itself. Basically you send the return up into the overflow box, then down out of it and into the tank. Drill a hole in the overflow box just like you would for any normal anti-siphon. Voila.

Lighting will be four of the 150w screw-in spot light style metal halides in custom lumenaires or the IceCap ones. The lamps will be stagered along the center. open top tank.

Hopefully I'll get to start the tank this summer. I'm starting to get excited!

Got any pics, illustrations how this anti siphon is supposed to work? Sounds good then I could run pipe work under the rocks and put a 4-way OM on the return pump.

I was thinking this also but don't want to flood the living room again :D

Wife not happy with me over that ;)
Looks like we have the project under way
I am putting a 280 gal (64x34x30) 3 pennisula tank between my living room and dining room.
My tank should be in next week.
My plan is to use 2 tunze 6100 placed at one end going the length of the tank , starting at the overflow end pushing towards the far end. And have 2 return and the far end pushing towards the overflow and 2 in the middle breating up the flow a bit over the corals.
I am not using a closed loop. ( cost to much ad too much can go wrong)
Would love to see some pictures when done.
Good Luck:)
WOW, lots of great ideas. I REALLY am opposed to ANY powerheads or equipment in view on the 3 viewable sides. I like the idea of the opposing returns and had thought of that. Can I run just one pump to power all 4 returns? How big would it have to be? Will post some pics when I get going. In the interim, keep the ideas coming. Thanks Sue
I would go after one of the ICECAP Vortech Pumps. They look like they can really move a large swath of water!
mcegelsk- I heard great things about the vortech too. Did u see the video on the icevap website. Its really neat! :D

...but I got to touch a Vortech at MACNA and boy was it hot on the outside.
I mean I wouldn't want my son to touch it hot.