275ish Gallons of SPS Domination


Stix Anyone?
First off I want to thank my friends that have helped me out to get this system up, and runing!!
-SullyG "“ Thanks Gregg for helping out with all this plumbing!
-Frankyriv- Thanks for helping get the tank moved from my old crib to the new!!
-Cato "“ Thanks for holding on to my prized SPS that without you I would have lost for sure!
-All my other friends that came over in the middle of the night when I needed a hand moving somthing
So over the years, i have gone up down up down with systems be it bc of deploying over seas or having to move, blah blah always something coming up! so the longest i was ever able to keep a tank was right around 1.5years and although it was looking great i know there was so much more potential.

Well as luck has it, im 1year from leaving the army finally, and just bought a house in Manchester with a basement. The wife was even kind enough to let me have one of the rooms as "our" fish tank room with a couch. The room has a standard 210G(72X24X29) which is drained down to the basement(all mine!!!) to its nice sump/fuge/frag tank.

Had to put some columns in the basement to hold up the excess weight since i had to put the tank parallel to the joist(2 of them). The other end of the tank is right on the concrete wall so that should be like i have 4 columns with each one hold upward of 18k lbs each I am in the clear.

Equipment: KISS
So i dont want to mess with any crazy dosing, or all kinds of gadgets but i do have the essentials!

Lighting: 120 BL LEDs + 2 60"(80Wea.) T5s
-10k emitters: 54(60* and 80* optics)
-Royal Blue: 60(60* and 80* optics)
-Red - 6(2 on each heatsink with 120* optics)
-Need to order my 2 Reflectors and T5s still...

Frag tank: 250W HQI Phoenix with Lumen Max elite

-2 Tunze 6100s for now, and adding a vortech or two at the back wall for that undertow goodness.

-Blackfin 2500(Reeflo pump high pressure) feeds everything(but skimmer)

Temp Control:
-True Temp controller(up to 1000watts) plugged into my Reef keeper(redundancy) 2 Ti 300W elements

Ca/Alk Control:
-AAT Calcium Reactor, with 10lb C02 Tank: controlled by the RK

Other Rx: TLF150's Building my own Reactors to suit the total volume(4" Acrylic tube X 18" Tall)

-Tunze Osomolator
-Fresh water top off on a sprinkler timer set to every 4days for an hr via 150GPD BRS RO/DI Unit
-210G display(minimal Rock work)
-20G Refugium (Nothing But Cheato!)
-24G Frag tank(24X24X10)
-50 Breeder(skimmer chamber and return)

As it stands the tank is still Cycling, about 3months now, and I just introduced the frag rack into it so its leeching all kinds of yummy stuff that's feeding the wonderful algae. I initially added about 100G of old tank water and filled the rest with about 150 "“ 175G of new saltwater. My SPS show great PE, and are starting to color up(recovering from the snow storm)

Stocking: Fish:
Initially I had the plan for an Achilles tang first to ensure he was healthy eating, and not being bullied by any other fish. But even after the storm some of my fish have managed to survive and let all the ich go. I found out I had stray voltage from a nano Koralia which I believe was part of the problem to being with but since I took it offline all the fish have recovered(except for my Naso "¦.. RIP)
-5 Bartlets
-Blonde Naso
-Clowns for the kids
-Hippo for the wife
-Scopas tang
-Myestery wraase
-Six line wrasse
-Rabbit fish

Stocking: SPS
-Tyree Purple Monster(it's finally a colony! Thank you cato for saving my life on this one!!)
-Tyree Panope (Thanks Cato!!)
-GARF Bonsai(getting out of its frag phase Thanks Cato again!!)
SPS I need to find:
-Milleporas: Blue, Red, Green, Yellow(Gotta Find them all!)
-ORA goodness: Pearlberry, Cali Tort, O-Tort, Red Planet, Valida, Rosecoes, Chips
-Stags: Green Slimer, Purple Slimer(Cato its your fualt!), Something Blue
-Course there are the Rarities: Shortcake, Pink Lemonade, Blah blah"¦ some others I don't remember their crazy names, but love the way they look.

-Catos Rose mille(got a baby from him)
-FrogSpawn(have about 12 or so heads(clowns host it))
-Rasta zoas, Eagle Eyes, Red People Eaters, AOGs
-Maxima Clam, Deresa, squamosa

Alright so I guess I have bored you guys with too much blah blah blah"¦ Unfortunatley when I moved I misplaced my DSLR and now its no where to be found"¦ im really hoping its in one of my boxes that I am still going through so please bare with me as all these pictures are from my old Nexus One. I promise that When I find my camera I will take better pics(Unless Franky comes over with his beast ;) ;) )

Lets start with the Old: 36X30X18 SPS build... was getting to the point of fragging but not quite there, moved. to new home:

On to the new:

Here is the stand : My boy SullyG did most of the work, he said drill I said where?




I painted it though and added the Plywood, then Routed it"¦ now I need to make doors!

The tank:

Clean(well mostly) and needed to be mounted so I can then scrape off the sides

Scraped the sides, and she just needs her doors.

Everyone has one of these shots lol

Got the paint off the sides, plugged the bulk heads(no CL yet still thinking about it) Filled it with R/O, mixed salt, and put in some sand, let it marinate for about 3 weeks with about 50lbs of LR, and voila"¦"¦.

Drilling the heatsinks…. I like to have the ability to switch LED’s in the future better emitters will become available and having the ability to simply unsolder, unscrew and add a new one is key! Or if one goes bad, swap it out! Less mess this way. It takes a bit longer to do but nothing happens fast in this hobby right?

One heatsink done

After testing for short I fired it up…. Perfect, now I need another eye exam!


Frame, with T5 encaps ready for the Blue+ and reflectors(dual 60”(80W))


Test fire!(minus the T5s)

Checking to see if it will be enough…. This is only the two outers(again no T5)

I know I know, canopy is not done yet, because the attic will house a motor that will raise the canopy for me via switch next to the light switch.

Algae, yea!!! Signs of progress…… the fuzzy guys is bleached white from the stress it endured from the bad weather…. Its now neon green with white polyps and encrusting nicely.

All GHA is gone except on one of the return lines, cyano is almost gone had the whole tank slimed, but its going little by little…. All part of the process. I now just need to finish figuring out where to get the parts I need to make the motorized lift for the canopy, add the T5s and trim the canopy. You can see some of the frame on top of the canopy because I have yet to fit the light inside the actualy canopy. Its currently resting on top of the canopy so im actually loosing some light to spillage.
So here is what I was using to mock up what would eventually have a real stand!

All the fittings, sump, Frag tank, Ca Rx, Return pump…..

The Mad Scientist got to work with his plumbing skills(SullyG) he hooked it up nice!

Almost done!!


Frag tank put to work! Bringing back a Red Plate, and Idaho grape back to life! The stand you see to the left will become short and will eventually be my Quaratine for all new Fish/Coral! (50BDR) with HOB Skimmer of some sort, and another LED rig…. The Frag tanks light(250W HQI) will soon be replaced by the LED’s in the display as well to keep everything consistent.

Well that’s all I have for now, I am going to be looking for my camera now so I can update the thread with real pictures! A lot of these pictures don’t do the colors any justice. I mean Pictures don’t do the tanks justice as it is but the cellphone pics just kill it.

All comments welcome including constructive critisism. Thanks for looking and stay tuned…
I finally found my DSLR in a box during the weekend, and snapped some new pictures of the tank! no more cell phone pictures.

I also picked up a Regal angel, that im having a heck of a time trying to get to eat, and the frag tank is finally algae free.... after the pictures were taken of the cap the frag tank went into a little algae cycle of its own. Even though the display was free of it, the frag tank was a farm for it!

I am also in the process of upgrading skimmers, going to go from the 180CS to a 220CS(eheim pump) or a Deltec AP851(or 701). Deff want to stick with what i have had work in the past and thats Eheim pumps, and Aquabee's, I am also looking into the SRO 3000. I see a lot of great things on those HY Bubble Blaster pumps, and at 1200 to 1500 lph of air It is very eye catching.

Pictures later.
Love the LED setup! This looks like it's going to be a killer system.

Thank you, I appreciate that.... i did spend a good amount of time fishing the wires through the aluminum square lol. I am not looking forward to doing it again with the T5 ballast!

Here are some pictures I took tonight.

FTS: slime going away slowly but surely....

The new Addition: quarantined right now... having a hard time making it eat :headwallblue:


Shot of knog just becuase.... lol 2days worth( need a bigger skimmer!)


CA Rx, ATO(tunze osmolator), and fresh water container: DIY water level

Frag tank, and Fuge:



Nursing my babies back to health.... Left to right: Hawkins, GARF Bonsai, Tyree Purple Monster, Tyree Ponape, Valida Tricolor. Background My buddies Red Cap, and Purple Cap.... They were both really brown when they came in... now orange again, and the polyps on the purple are finally PURPLE lol.

I tried to get some footage with my GoPro but ever since i updated the firmware ithe exposure is terrible. its over exposed, and i cant make changes to it :(.... i need some lense filters to hopefully get some better video.

Nice set up. I really wish I had a basement. Try fitting everything under the tank, lol. But I like the weather in Florida so I'm not complaining.
Nice setup man, wish I had basement!

I have the grey throat Regal as well, also battled to get him to feed. Visit your local fish store/restaurant and get fresh oysters, they must not open/shell them. You can freeze them for later as well. Pop one open and feed every 2-3 days. I also would soak pellets (Ocean Nutrition) in the shell meat as well. What really got him feeding was when I mixed him with two other Angels (Majestic & Asfur) that were already feeding off pellets. They seemed to show him the way. Eats pellets like a pig now, nori as well.
Nice set up. I really wish I had a basement. Try fitting everything under the tank, lol. But I like the weather in Florida so I'm not complaining.

Lol fair enough.... it sucks up here right now, the electric bill and heat bill is bananas right now so I can see the trade off lol thank you

Nice setup man, wish I had basement!

I have the grey throat Regal as well, also battled to get him to feed. Visit your local fish store/restaurant and get fresh oysters, they must not open/shell them. You can freeze them for later as well. Pop one open and feed every 2-3 days. I also would soak pellets (Ocean Nutrition) in the shell meat as well. What really got him feeding was when I mixed him with two other Angels (Majestic & Asfur) that were already feeding off pellets. They seemed to show him the way. Eats pellets like a pig now, nori as well.

Thanks for the tip buddy I will try to get to the lfs and pick up oysters if they sell otherwise its to the fish market :) thanks again!
moved around some rock... still not 100% happy the right side is closer to the front and is not getting as much light as I would like. I am sure that will change when i put on some 80* optics but I really want to make sure that all my SPS are getting plenty of light :).

FTS as of today


PurpleMonster in recovery mode, finally getting its purple back :)

Fuzzy, it went from being all white bleached, to Nuclear green.


I am quite satisfied with the amount of Punch these LED's have on the tank, I am going to just add 2 80" T5s in order to fill any Gaps of light with something at least, Thinking of Going Blue+ or maybe going with some Actinic white types and control the amount of blue by adding some blue's(I can replace 6 Red's and put them on the white drivers) instead of RB to diversify the Blue color.

moved around some rock... still not 100% happy the right side is closer to the front and is not getting as much light as I would like. I am sure that will change when i put on some 80* optics but I really want to make sure that all my SPS are getting plenty of light :).

FTS as of today


PurpleMonster in recovery mode, finally getting its purple back :)

Fuzzy, it went from being all white bleached, to Nuclear green.


I am quite satisfied with the amount of Punch these LED's have on the tank, I am going to just add 2 80" T5s in order to fill any Gaps of light with something at least, Thinking of Going Blue+ or maybe going with some Actinic white types and control the amount of blue by adding some blue's(I can replace 6 Red's and put them on the white drivers) instead of RB to diversify the Blue color.

Thanks Eric, and to answer your question yes. I have a 50G drum for mixing salt..... I have yet to set it up however, and in fact its still at my friends house, and need to pick it up. I am hoping the cold weather has not made it brittle. The left corner you see in the pictures where the other wooden stand is.... thats the Mixing tanks home, and that stand will not be there, i will make a shorter one, just high enough to open a valve that will dump into the sump.

When ever i do a water change(monthly) it will be for 40G's this will give me around 15% water change. It will be mostly automated, flip a switch turn on a pump that will push out the 40G in the sump to the main drain(washer drain), once thats done, open the valve in the 50G drum and let it fill back up. I lack the electrical skills to make it completely automated lol.

Little update, pictures from today and working on a little video clip, i just cant get the exposure right with the gopro unfortunately :( so may be over exposed a little...

I took a PAR reading with my LED's alone the other night and was pretty happy with the results.

Where you see the purplemonster(top left) i had 300 and change
the Green acro with white polyps had about 230 more or less(brace is covering some of the light.
GARF Bonsai on right getting around 280 to 300
Valida getting around 200ish just liek the green its covered by the brace a bit
Bubble Tip getting around 200(has not moved so my guess its happy)
Clams, around 150(i may move them dead center for more par)
Hawkins around 150 but found that in my old tank it liked lower light anyways also LED and its a baby of the mother colony
Ponape is getting around 200 seems to be coloring up after initial shock(was all white now greenish purple)

I am now going to add another 2 T5's to the mix(2 ATI Coral plus) both 80w, so that should bump my PAR up just enough to even the sand bed out to around 200. will test again as soon as i have the bulbs(ordered).

I do need to also add maybe 2 more pumps to the mix, maybe 2 6045s one at back left and another back right pointing towards the front. I think that may be enough, and i also Modded my Tunze, and cut out every other tooth on the covers, and i now see an undertow effect.

Close ups:
Valida: really starting to grow now that it encrusted the rock

GARF Bonsai:
Real slow recovery and i unfortunately see some dead flesh on the opposite side, relaly hope it makes it :( took me forever to get a piece.


white polyp something(i will call it Incredible SPS! who will pay 10000 for a polyp? lol) has really come a long way from all white, to brown, to green/white polyp

PurpleMonster: my precious!! got it as just a tiny 3/4" frag and its now mini colony, if it was not for my buddy Cato! it would not be with me anymore thanks bro!! almost there!!

Hawkins: doing great best out of all lol

Wife wanted a bubbletip: so here is the Cato Special!

I will upload a video later, just have to finish it and upload!