29 gallon drop off


New member
Hello you all.
I've been lurking on this forum for some time, and thought that it would be good to show you my little tank.
So this is my little nano drop off tank
DSC_4111 by jonas_sandager, on Flickr

It's been running for 7-8 months by now, and as I started it, I transferred the stocking form my previous 14 gallon tank.
So far I've been mostly into LPS and softies, but have recently begun moving towards a SPS dominated tank. I will probably be keeping most of the LPS though. This does mean however that I have sold off some of the bigger soft corals, including the big weeping willow sarcophyton that I had as a center piece. Very nice coral, but also pretty big for such a small tank.

Here's a quick overview of the tank and the life in it :)
120-liter tank (75x40x40 cm) with a glass shelf glued in giving a total of 108 liters
Internal overflow
60 liter sump
Antique stand and DIY canopy and tank sides
MarsAqua 165 watt full spectrum LED
Jebao RW8 and WP10 with twin controller
Jebao 2000 liter return
Bubble Magus Cone 3.5 skimmer
Jebao DP-4 doser (dosing Triton Base Elementz)
DIY phosphate filter (with phosban)
100watt Jaeger heater
DIY Upflow Algae Scrubber

Amphiprion Ocellaris pair
Ecsenius bicolor
Centropyge Argi
Pseudocheilinus hexataenia

Tripneustes gratilla
Mithraculus sculptus x2
Assorted snails

Sarcophyton (Long teal tentacles)
Grean grass
Misc zoa
Misc ricordea (florida og yuma)
Misc discosoma
Cream gorgonian


Misc euphyllia

True snowflake undata
Mint acropora desalwii
Acropora cerealis
Red Monti digitata
Purple Monti cap
Bali slimer
Seriatopora sp.
Stylophora sp.

As can be seen, I have been struggling with some cyano which have taken hold where I previously had a horrible outbreak of red turf algae. I think that I have finally been able to get it under control.
I seem to have sort of okay growth on most SPS, so my next goal is to get much better colour on those. This is the real goal for most SPS keepers, so probably wont be able to rest for some time ;)

I think that's about is. I'll post some more pictures from the tank later :wavehand:
Awesome tank! post more pics if you can! I would love to see your setup, filtration and just how the tank looks.

very cool tank once again!
Thank you very much for your kind comments :-)
Unfortunately I will be taking the tank down in two weeks, only to put it back up in a new apartment. Hopefully I wont loose any llivestock. But I do fear for a bit of new cycling.
I'll try to take some photos of the tank before then, and show a bit of the technical side as well :-)