Did my weekly water parameter testing and 10% WC today……
➢ Temperature â€"œ 27.6 degree C
➢ Salinity â€"œ 1.025
➢ Ph â€"œ 7.99
➢ NO3 â€"œ 10 (same as last week)
➢ Ca â€"œ 450 (old Salifert test kit)
➢ Ca â€"œ 450 (new Salifert test kit)
➢ Mg â€"œ 1440 (slightly higher than last week
➢ dKH â€"œ 8 (old Salifert test kit)
➢ dKH â€"œ 7.4 (new Salifert test kit)
➢ dKH â€"œ 7 (API test kit)
➢ PO4 â€"œ 0.03 (using Salifert PO4 Test kit)
➢ PO4 â€"œ 0.14 (using Merck High Sensitivity PO4 Test kit)
➢ Potassium â€"œ 380
Odd thing is my Ca started to climb...not sure if it's cause they are not growing as this week my corals color are slightly dull out which I suspect is due to the high PO4 which i have yet to reduce due to the feeding....
My Algae Blenny also fall victim to the Ich…..it’s odd as he never did show sign of Ich but found him on the sand bed today.…I’m continuing to monitor the remaining fishes…
Meanwhile have not seen my Coris for the past 2 days already so not sure if he is still around buried under the sand or he did not make it and my clean-up took care of it :mad2: