Knew everything was going too smooth and too good to be true…this morning found several of my fishes down with white spots.
So far affected are my PBT, Regal Tang, Blue Griled Angel, Niger and 2 of my Anthias… others seem fine. I step up feeding with garlic extract. Good news is all are still eating like pigs so hopefully they will overcome it on their own.
Not sure what causes it? Could either be the stress from the transfer or the stress created from the new members…
Will keep everyone update accordingly!!
For the newly added family, somehow I cannot find the other 3 dartfish as only the lone ranger is out and about!! Would expect them to be out and about by now already :eek2:
Meanwhile, did a water parameter testing follow by a 10% WC today……
➢ Temperature â€"œ 27.7 degree C
➢ Salinity â€"œ 1.025
➢ Ph â€"œ 8.00
➢ NO3 â€"œ 10
➢ Ca â€"œ 400
➢ Mg â€"œ 1380
➢ dKH â€"œ 7.4
➢ PO4 â€"œ 0.14 (using Merck High Sensitivity PO4)
➢ Potassium â€"œ 380