2Tall 185g - Build

Sorry, I'll get some more pics and info up for you later tomorrow, I gotta get up for work in a few hours and I'm STILL on here! :headwally:
PART 1 or 3
Here is 20+ pics of various parts, if you wish to see something in more detail or want more info, let me know.
I hooked up RKE #1 on my 55g last weekend, got it fine tuned this week. RKE #2 will be installed on the 185 this weekend and will be placing all modules and PC4's in a large utility box to protect and hide all of it. I am really liking these Digital Aquatics controllers, should have got them a long time ago!
I will be able to monitor and control my tanks from the internet and my phone. They will also email me if there is a problem - high temp, low pH, low water level etc.
The 55g was my first SW tank and is also my experimental tank as it helps with the learning curve... First - sump, skimmer, plumbing, fish, corals, LR, Vortech's, RKE, Reactors, DIY LED, Ich/fallow, how to catch a fish in a reef, heater controller; it's my workhorse ha!

2 - 20 gallon weir capacity

3 - CL return

4 - Good surface agitation

5 - In sump to return strainer to Reeflo Snapper pump

6 - Mini fuge in corner, sump is set up backwards for plumbing/usage reasons.

7 - BM NAC7 skimmer, foam block is for seeding the QT

8 - Return manifold, one line flows back into the sump's mini fuge.
Eventually I will rebuild the manifold and use all Gate Valves to be used for future reactors etc. I have grown to HATE ball valves!

9 - DT/Sump
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PART 2 of 3
10 - One tank is ATO RODI, the other SW, On the wall is my temporary control/ballast mount center lol

11 - Tilefish

12 - RKE and modules going on this weekend.

13 - PC4 power strips

14 - Return and CL pumps using Spa-Flex PVC for low restriction/noise and flexibility.

15 - Spectra Pure's Ultra Precise Level Control floats - WAY better and safer than JBJ ATO!!

16 - OOps
17 - Return/CL plumbing, smooth, quite flow!

18 - 12" Serpent Star hiding out in and under rock, he always has his arms out looking for food, never his body. Have another 8" Serpent in the weir that eats leftovers and helps keep the weir clean.

19 - More return water surface agitation, I think this is very important for good gas exchange and keeps any film off the surface. Adds a little noise, but worth it IMO/IME.

20 - Fluval HOB foam filter pad across the slats as a bubble trap (simple, works great) as I have the sump running backwards. So the original bubble trap is now a pre-filter pad (blue media bulk) 14" 10" that has a gap at the bottom for straight through flow. I change the pad weekly to avoid the NO3 factory Effect.
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PART 3 of 3

21 - Reef Keeper Elite on the 55g

22 - Top of tank: 2 - 250 (14k & 20k) MH, egg crate cover with old Reef Octo skimmer as a weight to keep the Tilefish from getting out... they are very powerful swimmers/jumpers!!

23 - Base rock coming to life - It's ALIVE!

24 - More dead rock coming to life.

25 - DT, Sand and sump

26 - DT

Installed the RKE over the weekend and it is now in control. I hooked up the heater and kept the Ronco controller inline as a an added fail safe, but the power strips (PC4) were getting warm. Then I read the PC4's can handle around 600w heaters and mine is 800w. So I took it out of RKE control and will leave it to the Ronco which I currently trust more. The RKE will still alert/email me of any temperature fluctuation.

I did not want to place all the wires and modules under the tank and had this utility box for years, painted it black, mounted it to a piece of plywood and mounted all PC4 power strips and modules to an aluminum plate inside. I also mounted the Ronco controller, MH ballasts and a heavy duty metal cased power strip for the PC4's to this plywood. I will be adding a small exhaust fan to keep everything cool in the box, will have the RKE control that also :)

Cord management is a pain in the butt-ox as everyone knows and it will only get worse when I build the LED's. My idea is to have only two umbilical coming from the tank to this control box. This box could also have water poured over it and all inside will stay dry.

I'm putting a lot of faith in the Reef Keeper Elite, but they have a very good track record. I will also design in any added backups/fail safes when I can; I have a lot invested in this to have something minor cause major problems!

Next up will be the LED build, which will also be controlled by the RKE.



I was using egg crate to cover the top and to keep the powerful Tilefish from jumping out.The egg crate was blocking an unbelievable amount of light, at least 30%!

So, I built a 34" x 22" clear 1/2" mesh screen and used the 3M picture hanging type of Velcro for firm hold down. I've used this style of Velcro with different things in this hobby and it works the best of all the different Velcro's I have used - not to tough to remove, but holds great.


Thanks for the complements!!

Will get some more pics up this weekend also showing the BRS dual reactor I hard plumbed into the manifold.
I will try to get some full tank shots, but it is a big tank in a small room, might have to take them from outside the window...:)
I hard plumbed the BRS dual reactor off the return manifold and it has been running for about a week now, water seems much more clear.
Current creature stock:
1 - Coris Wrasse
1 - Chocolate Mimic Tang
1 - Yellow Mimic Tang
2 - Purple Tilefish
3 - Ocellaris Clowns
2 - Cleaner Shrimp
2 - Serpent Stars
2.1 - RBTA (Quarter size baby MIA)
2 - QSP
Snails, Crabs and bunches of crazy Dragons Breath Macro.

The three clowns have been together for the last year and get along rather good, but the smallest one has started to get bumped
out of the RBTA's quite a bit by the other two who have paired up. Will try to catch and move him into the 55 that has two lonesome RBTA that are not touched by the two Oc Clowns there.

The tank is very active and great to lay back and watch! I will be adding more along with corals, not sure what yet, but still working hard at going slow with stocking - this is REALLY difficult with all the new stores that have opened up lately... I stopped going to Reef Monsters for fear I'd buy one of those elusive and rare Gottahaveit fish or corals....

This form is acting funny tonight, will get pics up next.

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