Haven't, really... Just got the bio filter started, added my first fish and corals last week, started the refugeum over the weekend. No need to start dosing yet, as there hasn't been any demand on the system, and what with ammonia, nitrite, nitrate bouncing... Just trying to get it all settled down.
I'll start with the Core7 dosing soon. It's a 4 part - two part system
Calc/Alk + trace elements. The heart of the Triton system is ICP testing... you dose their Core7 based on Alkalinity uptake, and send off water to be tested every so often. They report back, and you dose/filter/treat as needed to keep the water as close to natural sea water as possible. Macro algae refugeum, GFO or Aluminum based phosphate removal, GAC, skimmer... it's not much different from what a fair number of reefers are already doing, just more in depth testing, and a different kind of 2 part, really.
Fairly new in the states, but gaining popularity. No water changes is the big draw, I suppose. BRS is switching their 160 from Zeovit to Triton. We'll see how that works out.
Ask me again in a year