3 wavebox questions

salty joe

Active member
I am in the process of building a tank with a footprint of 96"x48" & 27" deep.

Could a WB be used as the sole source of water movement on a tank this size?

Can two WBs be used at the same time? Just looking for redundancy.

What size Tunze Stream in the WB or WBs would work on a tank this size?

Almost without exception, the wavebox is never intended to be the only source of flow. It is a directionless oscillating flow. It will lift and suspend detritus and get flow to all areas through the percussive action of the waves but a directional current should accompany this to sweep debris to the overflow or filter. About the only time I could imagine using a wavebox only is for certain non photosynthetic corals from calmer flow caves and lagoons.

Two waveboxes can be used together.

The wavebox includes a 6215.200 pump, it is basically a 6305 with a weaker power supply as it never draws the full wattage as it is rapidly cycled off and on. You would need one 6215 and one 6215.500 (extension, essentially a dummy with no controller)
I got a price for a wavebox 6215. Then I remembered reading that a wave can be created without the box, so I priced the 6305 pump.
The 6305 pump cost over $150 more than the 6215 wavebox. If the 6215 wavebox has the 6305 pump in it, how is it that the pump and the box is so much cheaper than the pump alone?

Also, I read that a wavemaker will not work properly with a coast to coast return. Any truth to that?

While it is true you can create a wave without the box, it will take at least 2 6305 to equal a single 6215, the 6215 combines displacement and flow to produce a wave, besides the pump pulse you get a piston like surge of the box emptying and filling with air as the pump runs. The 6215 is flow wise equal to a 6305 but they are not the same pump. A 6215.200 is essentially a 6105 running a 6305 prop and front cover, it would never work long term as a flow pump, it works in its application because it is switched off and on so fast it never uses more power than a 6105 would. It averages about 28W, a 6305 uses 46W in its normal use as a flow pump and therefore the power supply and motor are much beefier and designed to handle more current.
Thanks for clearing that up.

I read that a wavemaker will not work properly with a coast to coast return. Any truth to that?
It will lose some effectiveness, what could have been a wave of over an inch in height with a 6215 and 6215.500 and a center overflow will be only about 1/2-3/4" as much of the wave will spill over the overflow.
By center overflow, do you mean one that sticks straight up from the cener of the tank?

Or do you mean an overflow that is much narrower than the tank and centered on one side?
Centered on the back wall. It could be 2-3ft long in the case of your tank. The center is the fulcrum point of the wave so there is no real change in water level and this results in quieter operation and a bigger wave.
OK, thanks.

How far below the top rim of the tank would you reccomend putting the centered overflow, assuming 2 waveboxes on one end my tank?
The wave would probably be max 2" high, you can turn that down and a 3/4" wave is the minimum for a good effect. I would probably go with the base of the overflow teeth being 2" from the top, assuming that would give you room for a 1.5" wave max.
Assuming two waveboxes, do you think 1700 GPH pumped into the back of the tank (maybe 8"-10" inches above the sand) using a four port mainfold for even distribution would cause sufficient upwelling for proper filtration?

That breaks down to about 15 oz/sec from each 1" port.

The manifold would be under the centered overflow and would push water toward the front glass.
I don't think it would be, your tank has a volume of about 539 gph turnover, we generally allow that a wavebox can be sufficient with half the flow a tank would normally require, if we went on the low side of what is generally considered necessary which is 20* turnover, you have 3 and would need at least 10*, personally my goal would be 40- 50* turnover and I would want the waveboxes and 20+ * turnover.
Ok then, my plan is to add a couple 6105s to the two waveboxes and 1700 GPH return configured as mentioned.
I'm thinking of puting one 6105 in the lower left rear corner and the other 6105 in the lower right rear corner. Maybe point them both at a slight upward and slight forward angle. Then control them independantly to go on for about 10-15 seconds and then off for about 10-15 seconds. This way there would be no synchronization creating randomness.

Does that sound like a good plan?

Also, what is the warranty on the wavebox and the 6105?
I think that plan is fine, you can always change settings and move the pumps.

All of our products have a 2 year warranty.