300 gal starphire started


New member
Well after beefing up the floor ,my 300 gallon tank project is ready to begin. It will be mainly centered around large angels and tangs.

First a couple of questions for you guys and gals.

1. one picture shows the silicone a little chewed up. do you think I should re-silicone it or would it be ok

2. I know the tank is drilled for Closed loop but I have been wondering about the electrical savings if I went with Tunze's instead.

3. what size pump should I be thinking about using for the return for this tank. it will drain through the floor to my already established 1 year old 150 gal sump with a MR2 in it and 75 gal refug. ( I'll take some pics of this) with a vertical drop of about 8-10 Maximum. I like the sequence pumps. what do you think?



I vote for the sequence pumps. I have 2 hammerheads...awesome!

as far as the silicone...all i know is that if you do fix it, you have to tear out the old and replace with new. touchups don't work so well.
Plumb it for the CL, or atleast outfit the tank with the minimum plumbing you'll need in order to install the dry-side peripherals should you ever decide to run a CL. That way you don't have to drain the tank should you change your mind.

Silicon issue- Fix it while it's empty. You don't want to tear down a tank just to fix a leaky seam.
Well that certainly makes sense to plumb it for the closed loop, since if I might use it in the future I would not have to drain it thanks.

What is anyones experiance with Tunzes instead of A CLOSED LOOP IN A BIG TANK?

How many Tunzes would I need to use?

In my 170 not as near as big as yours, I ran a barracuda on a CL and loved it i had 4 ports coming out and it was easy to move the water around. evenly displaces it

WIth the
tunze's you need 4 of them to get good flow or to act better then a close loop. JME of what i hav eused and seen. go with a CL you will love I did .

Because the holes are there I would run a closed loop with a smaller pump and then use the tunzes for additional flow.
It looks like you have 2 return holes for the closed loop returns so I wouldn't put huge flow through them or else you will have the same problem as big PH.
Besides all you need is the pump and some pipe to complete it.
Holes are there and bulkheads will be needed regardless.
And you can put the pump on a timer if you want it off in the night. This can also help save power.
Looking foward to seeing your system up and running
Good luck
A sequence dart is a good pick.
I just don't think you need huge flow in a closed loop with only the 2 outputs. I would look for an low energy use pump that does about 2000 gph.
I just got some tunzes for my 280 and have not yet set them up but am hoping to get the same great performance everyone else gets.
I chose the tunzes for the moveability.
And one more thing is that with the tunzes you can start with 2 and if you want more flow just add more. Much easier than the closed loop set up.
But I would still use a small Cl system because the tank is set for it.
I am going to replace all the bulkheads in this tank since they are a couple of years old. I see Savko has them. But which ones would be preferred schedule 80 or 40?

Always scd 80 for BH fittings

If you have two CL drains, I'd run two Darts one returning through your drilled CL returns with an OM super squirt or 4 way (depending upon how many holes you have) and one to a manifold over the top with 4-6 outlets max & then I'd run a pair of Tunze. I think it'd be the best flow to power ratio you could get with out a lot of changes.

JMO :)
Unless you are going up a floor than I think the Baracuda is to much of a return pump.
I would run another dart as the return.
I'm not a pro here by any means, but from what I've been reading is that you want a slower flow through the fuge. I think you might want to have the drains (at least one of them) with a valve to divert some of the raw H2O to the fuge and have it then drain into the sump and return to the tank from there.
The Way my sump and refug are situated is that the water first drains into the Sump (150 gal) it also acts as a settiling chamber. It then drains into the Refug and then returns to the tank.

Do you think that it will be to fast as it travels through both tanks?

I will take a phot of the sump/refug setup.

I put a CL on my 180 with 2 intakes and 4 returns using the sequence barracuda. I love it. My tank is like a tidal wave. If it is not nailed down it is moving around... Corals love it...
Returns and intakes in the back wall. 4 returns along the top line of the water and the 2 intakes centered along the lower line of the tank.