it all depends upon how much water gets evaporated.
I have a 480G display with about 550G of total volume. I have a 10" axial fan that sucks the air out of the sofet above the tank and vents it to the outside of the house through an air duct. That same fan also pulls air through a void in the curtain wall along one side from below the tank. In 14 years of my tank being up at this house, I don't have humidity problems.
My tank is a 3 side display and completely enclosed from top to bottom. The fresh air gets into the sump are as well as the light sofet from the edges of the access doors. My sumps also have covers on them so the humidity below the tank is pretty low on its own. Above the tank I have a pair of 24"x24" openings.
Do you run the vent fan all the time or do you run it on a timer or humidity controller? Also if you do run it with a controller what humidity level to you have it set at?
Second question, and please excuse my ignorance here. Are humidity issues generally more prominent in arid climates or wetter climates? Logic tells me a dryer region would yield higher evaporation but I don't know that to be fact.
Kerreefer do you think those fujitsu mini splits would work good for my application? I heard they have an air dryer as well.