300 Gallon Estimate


New member
Hi Everyone,
Im very new to the forum.
Id like to say hi. i enjoy all avenues of this website thank you very much.
I was just in the need of some help.

Does anyone know the rough estimate that it would cost to get a 300 gallon acyrlic rectagular shaped Aquarium to the cycling stage not really any livestock.

Thank you!
Hello, and welcome.

Not sure what you mean by "cycling stage", or what equipment you would be including in that description. Are you talking about just the tank, the stand, pumps/powerheads and some rock?

Will you be using a sump & skimmer? Or some other form of filtration?

Will the tank have a canopy?

Will you stand be furniture grade cherry or basic pine?

Even the price of a tank can vary greatly depending on the manufacturer and dimensions. Certain sizes require an upgrade to thicker acrylic which results in a greater cost.

Will you be buying new, or shopping the classifieds?

If you can tell us a little more about your wants and type of equipment you were thinking of going with we might be able to give you a little more insight.

Lighting also plays a big role. If you want light demanding corals you'll have another added expense in the range of a few thousand dollars. If you want a fish only tank your lighting expense will be greatly reduced.
Haha, Let me say sorry, didnt really put that right.

As far as Filtration is concerned ill be using a Small Sump prolly 50 gallons with a wet dry filter and a Protein Skimmer. Thats just my own idea if anyone could give me better advice for a Shark/Ray Setup Feel Free.

Im going to put in a canopy with Darker Lights nothing Uv like as used for corals.

The stand will be the most basic wood i can find, im confined in the 3000$ Dollar limit at the moment.

The Actual Tank i found was a deal for 1000$ whitch i bealive is a great deal.

Ill be buying new ofcourse.

Again, im sorry about that brett!
Thanks for the response.
I really think 10K will be your starting point and go up from there. If I would have cut some corners I think I could have done my 370 for about that, but I didn't so it's a lot higher:)
i can tell you i had around 15-17k in my 360 when i stopped counting...to get it up and running, i would think you would be in the 8-10k range.