300 Gallon Starfire Photo Log


New member
I am putting together pictures of the equipment and installation of a 300g starfire glass tank.

Over the weekend I began installing the components of the system in a custom built equipment enclosure located outside the house.

The tank is a custom built 300 gallon euro-style tank with the front and side panels of glass made out of starfire glass. The tank is due to arrive 8/17/06.

I will start posting pictures this week as its being installed. Stay tuned!

This is the equipment enclosure that will contain most of the equipment except for the UV Sterilizer and Aquatronica controller which will be in the stand under the tank. The tank will be located directly behind the enclosure centered between the two windows shown in the picture above.

The 6” wide stem wall was constructed with a 3” sheet of high insulating foam at its core surrounded by a 1.5” layer of concrete which was poured using a form. The wall was then treated with a stucco finish to match the existing house exterior wall. The inside dimension of the enclosure measures 74” wide x 67” front to back x 35” tall in the rear and falls to 33.5” tall in the front.

The lid was designed after a spa cover. It is 3” tall and also contains high insulating foam in its core. It covered in the same material that is used in boat upholstery. Weather-stripping was attached to the bottom of the lid in attempt to keep the hot summer air out. The lid can be completely removed or hinged back as shown above to get access to the equipment.


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Won't you need ventilation for that enclosure? take hot humid air out, bring in fresh air for the skimmer, that sort of thing?

Seems like a great idea to get the equip. out of the house, though. You'll have a nice, cool, quiet system indoors!

sorry about no pics been really busy. Have all the pics just have to post and explain each one. It will be a reef and yes there will be ventilation in the enclosure theres 2 bath fans located on house wall thermostat controlled 1 blowing in and 1 blowing out already been tested they work great. Its well worth the wait the whole project is being document.
This wall seperates tank and enclosure. There is a 110cfm fan which is controlled by a thermostat cool air is brought in from house and a return grill on opposite side is exit. receptacles for equipment,also lower left corner is the RO feed and drain.

Tradewind 1/2Hp compact drop in chiller with controller we had to extend the coil line to 9ft. Ted at tradewinds has always been helpful with any custom stuff. the chiller is vented through enclosure concrete was cut and a pieace of flashing was custom made for this application very clean and air tight all heat is dispersed.

custom sump 54x20x20 with refugium and teeth strainer 1 sock holder,3 bubble baffles. 20" current sun pod HQI 70 watt will light up fuge 50 lbs of miracle mud for macro.

skimmer Deltec 1060s. It has a 340 heavy stock rating and a 440 normal stock. Never used one looking forward to see how it works. I will say it is built very nicely.