30gal SPS Tank Pics

Very nice! I love SPS nano's with larger corals... I find mine pretty easy to keep stable too ... now if only I could get my frags to hurry up and make colonies :)

How long have you had the 10 & 30 running?
Just got the 30 up and running for about a month and the 10 I took down. It was running for about a year.
There isnt a difference with the actinics on or off. There is only one tube and the bulbs are Phoenix 14k's.
Figured I'd post an update on my 30. The rock work changed (added 20 more pounds) and I lost a few wilds in the beggining. Everything has stable out and is growing extremely fast now.


Thanks. Im fighting a little dyno and bryopsis outbreak after switching salts, but everything else seems to be doing good.
Nice looking tank. I like the frag tray idea. Are they made with black egg grate and clips from maxi jet pumps?

Thanks everyone:D

J4Life - yes, it is black egg crate...the one on the back is glued to the maxi clips and the small one on the side is glued onto the maxi suction cup mount. Works great!
Where did you get the black eggcrate Dr? Also, what are you using for mounts for your frags. They look a lot better than mine!
If you don't have one you should check into a AC Jr. It has brought a whole new level of stability to my tank and when you have tanks as small as ours it is imperative to keep a close eye on things and the AC Jr will automate much of this.

BTW nice tank!