30gal SPS Tank Pics

with the nice corals you have I would get one as soon as possible. I got mine to mainly help control my temp swings. It turns on the heater when the temp gets too low, turns it off when it gets to the desired point and turns on a fan when the tank gets to hot and turns it off. Since installing this device my tank has been a constant 80 degrees. It used to swerve worse than a drunk driver. Plus it monitors temp, PH turns on my lights all kinds of stuff. It is so nice I can't speak highly enough of it.
Very nicely done. You'll be an inspiration as I fill mine this weekend.

I see you have your wavemaster pro under your tank. Has salt creep ever been an issue, running DOWN the ph cords? I have to have my wavemaster pro on top of my hood, Im paranoid of water traveling down. Every ph cord I've seen acts as a wick of sorts. Salt always seems to travel on all of them. Cause those are usually the onlt power cords coming directly from the dispay's water surface. Every other cord I have goes in the sump, then UP to my powerstrip.
reefdood - I've never really had a problem with saltcreep (knock on wood:D ). I keep the wavemaker higher with a drip loop, though.