320 Gallon Multi-Tank SPS/Predator Build


New member
I have been aquiring the equipment for this system over the past 3 years and I am currently 30 days into the long version of Dr Tim's One-and-Only Ammonia Cycling method. This is a multi-tank, multi-sump system with two 72x24x18 main display tanks which drain into a single 48x24 Reef Creations Sump. This is the main sump which houses about 5-6 gallons of Reef Creations BIO media (I believe it is Large Seachem Matrix) which act as the bulk of the live rock eqivilent to about 200 Gallons (not pounds) of live rock. The actual rock in the tanks is aproximate 120 pounds of BRS Pukani in about te 12-16 inch size range. There is a secondary sump which drains into the main sump which houses an AQUAC EV-400 protein Skimmer. The system runs on a ReefKeeper Elite 2.0. The video only shows one of them actually on which is on for the video only, but the lights are three 250watt Ushio 10,000k houseed in Lumanmax 3's running on the Lumentek electronic ballasts. The heaters are two 500 watt JBJ heaters. The reeflo dart return pump is dialed way back to allow only about 800 GPH through the main sump and the Iwaki 55rlt runs the EV-400 wide open. The internal flow is currently controlled by two Koralia Magnum 7's in each of the display tanks and are controlled by the reefkeeper in a random pattern up to 10 seconds with both powerhead in each tank facing the same direction. There is roughly about 6000 GPH of flowing going through each tank. The secondary protein skimmer sump also contains about 8 Gallons of BIO-Ball which will eventually be swapped out for more of the Matrix mix, but seems to staying clean enough for the moment.
The top tank is bare-bottom and the bottom has just enough arragonite to keep up appearances. The light in the bottom tank is actually the same light from the top tank. The upper tank will be largely SPS and smaller reef safe or schooling fish and the bottom tank will be predator only.

I will be reshooting the Reef Creations Sump Video in Landscape later, but for now it will give you and idea of what's happening.
Main Display Tanks:
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/mQrMIucKt88" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Seondary Sump and Pump Room (aka my Laundry room)
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/-oL34dssLmc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Primay Reef Creations Sump
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/cyYdwgez_NM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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I am addding, hopefully this weekend, a saltwater mixing station which will also be a saltwater exchange station using 2 BRS auto top-off pumps run off of an RKE and fed by a six stage BRS RODI.

I have:
two 65 Gallon containers
one PanWorld 150PS External Water Pump - 1100gph
2 BRS auto top-off pumps
Float Switches
multitudes of fittings and pipe

My question is: is there a concensus on the best plumbing design and/or overall design for this setup? Anyone who has done this let me also know any horror stories if you have them.
You should post some still pics of the setup as well.

I also really like your manifold. Well done.
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Wow this is a unique set up. I was wondering how you were going to have a SPS/preditor tank.

Thanks, I actually go lucky on the Aquariums & Cabinet setup. Someone had commissioned the custom setup from OCEA aquariums through the LFS. The person who commission the job paid up front, but could not take delivery. I got it for about 1/2 what he paid for it.