325 Gallon Filteration Question


In Memoriam
Hey guys,
I know this section is for photos but since most people posting here have large tanks I would like responses from people with experience with large tanks. I am going to be cycling my 325 Gallon aquarium as soon as I get it from the manufacturer as its being custom made. Its a Flatback Hexagon with the dimensions 84"x24"x10"64" at a 30" height. Anyways for filteration I am using a Ehiem 2060 Canister Filter, Protien Skimmer rated up to 550 gallons *sorry I forgot the actual model, 5 powerheads equally 6000gph, UV sterilizer, 150-200 lbs of live rock, and about the same in live sand. As for lighting I am going to be running 250W Coralife, which has Blue antics, Lunar Light ect . Just wondering if you guys think this will be effeciant enough for my system.

Thanks, Brenden
Why are you using a cansiter filter? Are you limited on space for a sump. Also what kind of skimmer is it?
Sidyer - Yes, unfortunatly I am limited for space under the stand. The Ehiem Canister filters I have found to be extremely good when it comes to its filter cycle so I have deicded to go with one as I cannot provide room large enough for the sump I would desire. As for the skimmer, I have yet to decided but its either going to be a Deltec or a Red Sea Berlin. Which ever I chose it will be rated for about 450-500 gallons so it will be larger then needed to ensure the water quailty i need.

Let me know.
The "show" fish in the tank is going to be 2 Brown Banded Bamboo sharks with other fish such has tangs, clowns, ect.

Why do you ask?
Sharks eat alot of meaty foods. They also need sugar size sand bed with lots of swiming room. The meaty foods will create a large bioload after they get bigger. How mush live rock are you going to have in the system? I looked into keeping sharks but I decide not to get them unless I build a tank big enough to hold them at full size. I would not want to try and find them a home after they got to big for a smaller tank. They grow fast. You will need live rock or another type of filter to handle the bioload of all the animals.
Sjdyer - I myself have down about 3.5 months of research on just housing sharks. As for LR goes I am going to be placing in about 150-200lbs of LR, I know people say 1-2lbs per gallon ect, but I need to make sure I provide ample swimming room for the sharks. I dont think the bioload will exceed the filteraton, but you never know. I will keep a close eye on it, and make changes if I need to.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8719020#post8719020 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Bhewko
Sjdyer - I myself have down about 3.5 months of research on just housing sharks. As for LR goes I am going to be placing in about 150-200lbs of LR, I know people say 1-2lbs per gallon ect, but I need to make sure I provide ample swimming room for the sharks. I dont think the bioload will exceed the filteraton, but you never know. I will keep a close eye on it, and make changes if I need to.

I have that much LR in my 150 gallon, in a tank that big, unless you made some piles that were way spaced out, it will pretty much be rubble on the bottom of the tank.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8719020#post8719020 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Bhewko
Sjdyer - I myself have down about 3.5 months of research on just housing sharks. As for LR goes I am going to be placing in about 150-200lbs of LR, I know people say 1-2lbs per gallon ect, but I need to make sure I provide ample swimming room for the sharks. I dont think the bioload will exceed the filteraton, but you never know. I will keep a close eye on it, and make changes if I need to.

I have that much LR in my 150 gallon, in a tank that big, unless you made some piles that were way spaced out, it will pretty much be rubble on the bottom of the tank.
Laakmann - The purpose of the LR is to create a mound in the middle of the tank. They way I will aquascape the rock will provide caves, valleys for the sharks to hide / sleep in as they tend to like to hide during the day. I am not sure of the exact amount of LR I will be purchasing but I am estimating it to be between 150-200lbs. So as I already said there will be the one large mound in the middle of the tank, and then probable small mounds in the 2 corners. If I need more LR then what I have estimated to create the aquascaping I desire I will purchase more.

Thanks for all the posts for far.