375 gal peninsula build up pictures

Sorry I have had no updates lately, as some of you know I have been fighting a lost battle with marine velvet in my tank, most of my fishes are now gone, that and the holiday season has put a slow down on the tank.
I will take some pics as soon as can.

Thanks for the request
Marine Velvet...Ouch. I thought it was ick. This is worse. Sorry about your losses. Did it affect the fish in the sump as well?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11404194#post11404194 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by lpsluver
Marine Velvet...Ouch. I thought it was ick. This is worse. Sorry about your losses. Did it affect the fish in the sump as well?
Yup, most fish were affected, in fact the fishes in the sump are the ones that started the chain reaction.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11411703#post11411703 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Chef Reef
ouch. im not sure wat marine velvet is, but it sounds bad. sorry that it happened :/
Looks something like ick but has an even finer powder appearance (like powdered sugar, IME/O) and is all over the fish. It is more aggressive than Ick (if I recall correctly) and is more commonly seen in clownfish.
Marine velvet is a lot more devastating than ich...once you notice it, it's usually too late. It can easily wipe out an entire tank.

Rogger, it just breaks my heart that you've been going through this!