375 gal peninsula build up pictures

That's not a mastiff........

...... This Is A Mastiff


She a 130 lb Tosa ( Japanese Mastiff) and the runt of the litter at that. Mom is 160 and dad was closing in on 200 lbs. infact she likes Rogger so there.
LOL... I have seen your dog Joe.
Thats not a Mastiff.....that a North American Black Bear!
But none-the-less it is the sweetest dog ever (atleast when joe is present)
Great, I am sick all day and you guys take advantage to make fun of me. :D.

You guys may feel protected by those canines, but I have some huge killer toads in my pond next to the front door, and a lion as soon as you come in, Beat that!
yes, it is the pacific coast 1/2 hp, the temperature stabilized in a few hours after installed, the fish and livestock in general looks 10 times better already. Thanks
Ok guys, nothing personal but get your info right regarding REAL dog breeds....and remember genetics class....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BTW nice dog manny!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11281443#post11281443 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by doggydoc10
Ok guys, nothing personal but get your info right regarding REAL dog breeds....and remember genetics class....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BTW nice dog manny!

What are you saying Dr. Longo one of these guys is giving us "Gato Por Liebre" :D
I am just observing through the glass.!!!!!! Very nice dog indeed, but not considered a mastiff. Tosa Inu.....Japanese fighting dog....Yes some of the "original" mastiff genes in there but then again if that is a "mastiff", I should consider myself COSA NOSTRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"but I have some huge killer toads in my pond next to the front door, and a lion as soon as you come in, Beat that!"

Ok ....

the guy in the back left corner classifies as a lion...lol

COSA NOSTRA, huh, cool we have some mafioso's in the reefing ranks ...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11282594#post11282594 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jman77
"but I have some huge killer toads in my pond next to the front door, and a lion as soon as you come in, Beat that!"

Ok ....

the guy in the back left corner classifies as a lion...lol

COSA NOSTRA, huh, cool we have some mafioso's in the reefing ranks ...

you see pics like this are the one you see inthe front pages like taliban crue



is a joke :lol:
by the way those are all very nice dogs, i hope to own one in the future but right now the german shepard and bull terrier are a handful and i wouldnt trade them for anything.
Man that pic looks like a sleeper cell of Taliban rejects....lol

AHAAHAHHAHAHA, thanks dude, I've had a hard day...needed the laugh

"lol at the guy with the microsoft shirt wearing camo"

I didn't even pay attention the shirt he had on, on his defense, he works in IT and get alot of free stuff including clothes ... we were deer hunting so i guess he didn't want to get his non-geek clothes dirty....lol
lol i bet the microsoft shirt works on the deer

"hey get a load of the computer dork, i bet he doesnt know squat about shooting that gun"

deer walks into the open, BOOM!

thank you microsoft lol
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11284601#post11284601 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by pedromatic
This thread has really ventured into uncharted territory now. :D
Pedro it all started as a simple joke to the democrat and turned into this.
I'm sure he does not mind since his tank is still going thru the new tank syndrome.

I want to see pics of the shoal of PB's u just got let me see some pics!!!!!!!!!!;)