Thank you, the stand is incredibly strong and having all the gear together is the way to go.
At first I thought that maybe the steel frame was overkill, but after considering the weight of the tank, water, canopy and two dual-400 watt ballasts sitting on top of the canopy (see my photos), I'm glad I made the decision to get the steel frame.
This added several design concerns for the stand and sump and created some delay in the overall tank construction.
If the stand were to only be lumber (not steel) then a large center brace would have been needed to prevent "sag" from the weight of the center of the tank (since it's 8 feet wide) that I would have had to had a divided sump, where there were pipes in the middle that tied the two sides of the sump together, while maintaining a structure that supported all of the weight.
I felt this was far too complicated and ultimately decreased overall available space in the stand, and despite the increased time and expense for the steel frame, it was well worth it.