4 haylides and a 90


New member
so heres the deal. im going for acros very soon.

this is the set up

2 - 175w 10k's( i own these already )
2 - 3 ft ice cap atinics( i own these already )
2 - 400w 20k's
...and fitting all this above a 90....with a chiller incase you were wondering.

i was thinking mounting them 2 haylides to a reflector?, maybe all four retros with independant reflectors? mounting them on a slight arch aiming twords the tank?

any opinions are welcome :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6941494#post6941494 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by nunez1980
two questions

1. have you had sps before?

---------nope, i have a good tutor, and im ready give it a try.

2. why? :D
--------cause they look cool DUH?!;)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6941597#post6941597 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by nunez1980

cool got a good tutor :D

just said that cause with the right equipment, not much light is need to have beautiful colors,

just don't forget about flow, filtration, fish-load, ect which are to a point even more important than lighting,

good luck,


filtration will be a berlin sump w/ a mag12
flow will be handled by 6 maxi 1200's, 4 of them on a wave maker
no skimmer?

some helpful questions

1. how much this will cost me to setup?
2. how much will the setup cost me to maintenance?
ex. lighting, electricity used, bulb changes, ect
a rough calculation of 2 175w, 2 400w, 2 vho could be any where from $300-$400 just on bulb change only
3. filtration? skimmer brand/type?
4. flow?
ex. maxi-jets are durable and cheap, but not close to "best" type of flow, its more "jet" than wide flow

ex. of 3 setups in my area

a. I have a 90g with just two 250w phoenix
b. friend has 125g with just 2 250w SE xm 10k and 2 vho for color
c. friend has 220g with just 3 DE 14k hamilton

we can keep/growth any sps with excellent color, I run BB, second BB, and third had DSB and now has ssb.

personally, I would research more and reconsider the plan before I start to buy stuff, I leave you now, sorry if I put too many pointers, got to leave some to the tutor :D

anyway, good luck with your setup and what you choose,
