Anymore pics of a 40 with sump underneath? Will a 30g fit under it? What about custom stands? Is this the way to go to make it look good? I think after this thread I am going to upgrade from my jbj 28 and add a sump/fuge
Gorgeous tank!!! How long have you had it running?
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Yeah I have a 4x39 t5 system. I check ph, calc, dkh, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, phosphates. Usually everything is fine. Yeah that is the tank from a few weeks ago but its just that I can tell some of the corals arent doing as good as they can be doing. Also, any plugs I put in the tank just get covered with long algae so that it irritates the corals on the frags and causes them not to grow. I am getting good corraline growth though. My bulbs are brand new, only about a month old. I do have chaeto in the sump but it doesnt really grow. Ive also noticed I get a lot of junk built up in my sump and right now I have a lot of cyano growing in the sump but none in the display. If I missed any questions just let me know haha.
haha. how many drivers do you have? and what did you use as your power source?
What is your water source? Are you using rodi water? With 0tds? Do you run any sort of carbon?
Yeah, I make my own water with ro/di filters. The tds gets up to 20 before I change it. I can only get a good month out of my ro/di filters.
what about dropping a polyfilter in there and see what it picks up. 10-20tds, but of what? Depending on what is getting through the ro that could be your problem, especially if your slowly adding copper to your tank.
thats why i recommended a poly filter. Its just a pad that absorbs all sorts of stuff. Definitely a good thing to keep in a closet somewhere just in case.