40 Breeder FTS Thread

Anymore pics of a 40 with sump underneath? Will a 30g fit under it? What about custom stands? Is this the way to go to make it look good? I think after this thread I am going to upgrade from my jbj 28 and add a sump/fuge
Anymore pics of a 40 with sump underneath? Will a 30g fit under it? What about custom stands? Is this the way to go to make it look good? I think after this thread I am going to upgrade from my jbj 28 and add a sump/fuge

40b with a 29g sump/fuge


i use a 30g breeder for a sump under my 40g breeder... foot print is exactly the same... but some insist on using stands that are jus barely big enough for the footprint of the display 40g breeder making it unable to house the same size footprint under the stand for the sump... my stand is 40" x 24" and mine fits snuggly underneath but i also have a monster skimmer for a 40g setup, so i need the bigger width of the sump...
nice thread, got me alot of inspiration for re-aquascaping! id love to see more open, minimal aquascapes though!

I need some help guys. I keep doing something wrong. I started my 40 breeder last december and at first it was going really good. All my corals, even my sps, were very bright and healthy but then just started going down hill. They would slowly bleach and by october this year, I got tired of the corals not growing or doing anything so I restarted the tank completely.

I cleaned out the sump and sand and dried out the rock, did a complete water change. So now its been running again for a couple months and everything is doing just alright. The couple of sps pieces I have are doing ok and have color but dont really grow much and my softies are slowly growing. I have a lot of zoa frags but they only get maybe a couple new polyps a month. I dont know if it's something I'm dosing or not dosing. I check for nitrates and ammonia and everything every once in a while but they are always fine. I dose calcium every other day and a kh buffer every other day also. I also put Kent's Tech M in a few times a week.

What do you all dose in your tanks? I've been posting this question for some help for the past 6 months but everything always justs asks me what my params are and what type of lighting I have. I know my lighting if fine and everytime I check my params they are find also. So, if anyone can help, please let me know.
What kind of lighting, and what are your params?

Sorry, couldnt help it. haha.

I dose BRS 2 part- 10mls a day of cal and alk, and 20mls of BRS mag every couple of weeks. I run a 4 bulb t5 unit and everything is doing fine.

What kind of flow are you pushing in the tank? Thats a big factor especially with sps. I pushing close to 2500gph through my tank and could easily put more into it.

Are you running any macro in the sump? A reverse light cycle with macro can help to reduce ph swings and help to export nutrients.
What parameters are you checking? You say you're checking ammonia, nitrate and other stuff but we don't know what the other stuff is, but it's important. Are you testing calcium, or just dosing for the heck of it? I wouldn't dose for anything that you're not testing for. And, as stated, flow is important also. As is lighting. What type of lighting do you have, I know you say it's fine but what do you consider fine? And how old are your bulbs? All these questions need to be asked and answered before any help can be given. If you're asking for help about your tank we need to know as many specific things about your tank as you can throw out there to be of any help.

Mordorff - This tank shot looks great. Is this your tank after you restarted it? If so I think you're fine and routine WC's should give you what you need without dosing. Not sure if you are dosing but you may be tweaking things too much. My tank seems to grow in spurts. I look at it every day but sometimes I just don't pay attention to particular corals and then one day I realize how much growth I have had. I don't see many SPS in this shot but one thing I have noticed with the few SPS I have is that they really didn't start to grow out until the bases encrusted over the rock/plug. I am not doubting your concerns since you know your own tank better than anyone just thought that just letting things be is best sometimes.
Yeah I have a 4x39 t5 system. I check ph, calc, dkh, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, phosphates. Usually everything is fine. Yeah that is the tank from a few weeks ago but its just that I can tell some of the corals arent doing as good as they can be doing. Also, any plugs I put in the tank just get covered with long algae so that it irritates the corals on the frags and causes them not to grow. I am getting good corraline growth though. My bulbs are brand new, only about a month old. I do have chaeto in the sump but it doesnt really grow. Ive also noticed I get a lot of junk built up in my sump and right now I have a lot of cyano growing in the sump but none in the display. If I missed any questions just let me know haha.
Yeah I have a 4x39 t5 system. I check ph, calc, dkh, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, phosphates. Usually everything is fine. Yeah that is the tank from a few weeks ago but its just that I can tell some of the corals arent doing as good as they can be doing. Also, any plugs I put in the tank just get covered with long algae so that it irritates the corals on the frags and causes them not to grow. I am getting good corraline growth though. My bulbs are brand new, only about a month old. I do have chaeto in the sump but it doesnt really grow. Ive also noticed I get a lot of junk built up in my sump and right now I have a lot of cyano growing in the sump but none in the display. If I missed any questions just let me know haha.

What is your water source? Are you using rodi water? With 0tds? Do you run any sort of carbon?
Recently, my only green monti piece I have is bleaching. Pretty much all of the frags of zoas or anything I have is growing long green algae around them which makes them not grow very well. Its not hair algae but something else. I dont know how to take care of this problem. Can anyone help?

Also, before I used to grow zoas like nothing but now I cant get any of them grow. All my params seem to be fine. I do dkh buffer, magnesium, and calcium. Oh but I forgot to mention, I am getting a lot of coralline algae growth.
Yeah, I make my own water with ro/di filters. The tds gets up to 20 before I change it. I can only get a good month out of my ro/di filters.

I know people are going to disagree with me. but i used to not use water that has over 10TDS and now i try to only use rodi water with 0tds but Change my filters when the TDS reads 2.

I would also try and run some sort of carbon. whether it be a bag of carbon or a reactor.
what about dropping a polyfilter in there and see what it picks up. 10-20tds, but of what? Depending on what is getting through the ro that could be your problem, especially if your slowly adding copper to your tank.
Yeah I know the tds gets a little high. I try to bring it down a little bit by adding some water conditioner. I do have carbon in my sump. I threw a couple bags of chemi pure in there but I dont have a reactor or anything.
Thats why I recommended a poly filter. Its just a pad that absorbs all sorts of stuff. Definitely a good thing to keep in a closet somewhere just in case.