They are Black-Tip Reef Sharks, I would highly reccomend a large tank. They are amazing!!
Yes, I built it, but not alone. I had 2 other people heling me.
For filtration, it has a number of independant systems. It has two independant Bio-Towers for Biological, and two Ocean Clear filters for mechanical. It has a custom skimmer as well. This is all housed along with the heater in a 8'x4'x3' Glass Sump (owners old display).
In the tank other then the 3 black tips is a Remora, a Panther Grouper, a Bluelined grouper, a Zebra Moray, 3 red squirel fish, 2 Racoon buterflys, 1 Harlequin Tuskfish, and give or take 20 orange striped cardinals, 30 monos and 60 green chromis.
It is in a private residence, the owner has allowed people to visit.
No not my house. It's in a private residence though.