4000G Shark Tank pics..


New member
Pleaes excuse the quality of the pics, they were taken by my lovely signifigant other, and she does not know how to use a digital camera. But hey I thought someone on here might like to see the pics of the tank.

The sharks are not mine. This tank is the tank I have been pouring my blood sweat and tears into for the past few months. Consider the inhabitants when you see the aquascaping! I would estimate the sharks to be in the 24" range.
what kind of sharks are they?

I have been hoping for years now to win the lottery put one of those in my house, i was originally dreaming of a 3500 gallon but now that I see the 4000 gallon I think maybe i'll go with that.
Wow, can you tell us more about it?
Did you build it?
What kind of filtration does it have?
How long have the sharks been in there?
What are the smaller fish?
Is it private or public? Can people visit?

They are Black-Tip Reef Sharks, I would highly reccomend a large tank. They are amazing!!


Yes, I built it, but not alone. I had 2 other people heling me.

For filtration, it has a number of independant systems. It has two independant Bio-Towers for Biological, and two Ocean Clear filters for mechanical. It has a custom skimmer as well. This is all housed along with the heater in a 8'x4'x3' Glass Sump (owners old display).

In the tank other then the 3 black tips is a Remora, a Panther Grouper, a Bluelined grouper, a Zebra Moray, 3 red squirel fish, 2 Racoon buterflys, 1 Harlequin Tuskfish, and give or take 20 orange striped cardinals, 30 monos and 60 green chromis.

It is in a private residence, the owner has allowed people to visit.


No not my house. It's in a private residence though.

They are Black-Tip Reef Sharks, I would highly reccomend a large tank. They are amazing!!


Yes, I built it, but not alone. I had 2 other people helping me.

For filtration, it has a number of independant systems. It has two independant Bio-Towers for Biological, and two Ocean Clear filters for mechanical. It has a custom skimmer as well. This is all housed along with the heater in a 8'x4'x3' Glass Sump (owners old display).

The sharks have been in there for a few months now. They are growing FAST.

In the tank other then the 3 black tips is a Remora, a Panther Grouper, a Bluelined grouper, a Zebra Moray, 3 red squirel fish, 2 Racoon buterflys, 1 Harlequin Tuskfish, and give or take 20 orange striped cardinals, 30 monos and 60 green chromis.

It is in a private residence, the owner has allowed people to visit.


No not my house. It is in a private residence though.
Sweet. Looks like I'll have to build a bigger house next time to upgrade the size of my tank. How thick is the acrylic and what are the dimensions of the tank?
Foreverlearnin, I have a question that I need to ask you, and first I like to ask is what are the measurements of this 4,000 gal tank LxWxH and since your keeping black-tips, are you having a very heavy cover covering it? And the third question is do you have lots of L/R for hiding places for those fishes you mention? They will need it with those hunters.
Now it been years since my 1500+ gal shark and ray tank was took down, I don't that for little better then 15 years and I had a number these black-tips over that time and had to decide to get rid of them when they reached the size of 3 ft., they are beautiful to watch swimming about, I know this. And when I done this shark and sting ray system, it was only for them (no fishes). You also need stronger current then you might have as if it was a F/O or reef tank. And the blacktip might be small in size compared to other sharks, but should not be taken for timid or harmless and grows a Max of 6 ft. And With or w/o provocation these sharks will at times take off at "lightning speed" crashing into holding system walls and are glancing blows and as I mention here a tight-fitting cover for their enclosures is needed as these sharks can launch themselves free of the water... and how. They will jump out given the opportunity.
On the reef the blacktip principally feeds on other fishes of many types (including triggerfishes, surgeonfishes, wrasses...), then in preponderance of diet, cephalopods (squid, octopus), crustaceans, and a large percentage of sea snakes in some parts in the wild. It is likely safe to state that any edible tankmate/portion of a captive system is game for their consumption.
Now you need to make a decision here, you need to decide if this be a shark tank or F/O (w/o the sharks that is) tank.
Happy Aquariums All :rollface:
Buddy :fish1:

The tank is very close to 16'x7'x5'. The acrylic is close to 14'x4.5'x1.5", 5" bite all around. It has less than 1/16" bow.

Dragon Moray Eels,

This is not my tank. For dimentions, see above. As for the top, yes it has a very heavy acrylic top. It's compromised of 7 interlocking sections each weighing around 40lbs. I doubt the sharks could even budge them.

As for the L/R, it has around 500lbs and provides adequate protection for the fish. They hide in the rocks when the sharks go crazy hunting, the sharks once did bang around on the rocks moving them in attempts to get at the fish, but after observing this new behavior, increased feedings stopped them from doing this. Same frequency, larger volume.

The owner of the tank was told the sharks are plenty capable of eating anything in there but is willing to take the risk. I am sure he will continue to add fish to it, and I am sure the Sharks will eat them one day. Not the ideal situation IMO, but no large fish have been eaten yet. I think the only losses are chromis at the hands of the groupers. This is common practice among every single aquarium display either private or at a public aquarium and is considered acceptable risk.

Silver Vortex, lol.
Thanks foreverlearnin. I' have sheets that are 16' X 4' by 1.5" so judging by what your guy has there, I think my sheets should be plenty strong. Thanks for the reply.
I thought those were monodactylis (argeteus) and was a little surprised when you said the tank was in BC, ready to have my eyes checked.
We've got a Mono (sebae) growing for our little **grin** 300 as a tough version of a "batfish", as it should have a height of about 12" when it reaches about 9" long.

That's one beautiful tank, no matter how you look at it...very well done, sir.


^^ mad, mad man ^^ :)