Once my detritivore kits get the sand bed teaming with life, I plan on getting the Total Reef Care Special #2 from reeftopia.com. It includes the following:
100 Astrae snails
36 Cerith Snails
12 Nassarius Snails
100 Blueleg Hermits
2 Emeral Crabs
I don't think that amount of crabs are going to kill my sand bed anytime soon assuming they have other things to feed on.
Things didn't go quite as smoothly as I had hoped for last night with the sand bed and aquascaping. The sand had settled and the water was clear, but it clouded back up again quickly as I pulled the rocks out. I then leveled the sand some, which really fueled the sand storm. So while I was waiting for the storm to settle, I cleaned off this thin film of sediment that had settled on the rocks with a tooth brush. This revealed very nice coraline coloration, more than I remember them having originally.
However, the sandstorm never did settle (I waited a total of perhaps 6 hours). I didn't really want to sit the rocks back in the tank since they would just get that film all over them again, so I let the rocks sit in the vats overnight. I did throw a powerhead in one vat and a air hose into the other. I hope that won't cause my cycle to start all over again.
Anyway, the tank still wasn't clear this morning, but I didn't want to leave the rocks out of the tank all day with little aeration and no heat, so back in the tank they went. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the water will be clear by tonight and that I'll be able to pull the rocks back out without starting the sand storm back up. If so, I'll go ahead and run the toothbrush over them one more time, and then to my (hopefully) final aquascape for a while.
If the water clouds back up again immediately when I pull out the rocks tonight, I'll have to figure out some sort of curing vat for them after all and then carefully sit them back in the tank once the storm settles again. I'll hold off on ordering my detritivore kits until I get through this phase.
That Southdown/Old Castle sand sure has a lot of fine silt to it that will cloud the water at the drop of a hat. I use silica sand in all my fw tanks, and they don't have this problem at all. The skimmer is pulling out a lot of it, as is the canister filter. That film is all over the fuge and sump walls as well as all other surfaces in direct contact with the water. I'm wondering if I should bother to clean it or if it will just dissolve on its own in time?
When the water is clear, it does look very nice and bright, but I hope I won't be fighting these cloud/sand storms indefinitely.