Thanks for those links Beverly. I have come across and read most of the reefkeeping ones before, but I missed a couple. Some of those other links are great as well! I'll be a chemist by the time I comprehend all of this. lol
One thing I still don't understand is why these links talk about a pH range of 7.8 - 8.5 being acceptable, yet a lot of online vendors state that they will only warranty livestock if pH is maintained between 8.2 - 8.4. If that is so, it would seem to me that the lowest acceptable pH is 8.2, not 7.8?
Thanks so much for your offer Bax! You have pm.
Scotty, I plan to transfer some fw community fish from a 45g to a 10g this weekend and use the 45g as a quarantine tank. I plan to run a small powerhead with sponge in the sump and then transfer it to the 45g once I get some fish.
Do you think I need to put my very first fish in the quarantine tank, or just subsequent fish? I mean there are no other fish to be infected at this point.
I feel I made some good progress with the rock work last night, although it was difficult work being that the water got pretty cloudy half way into the ordeal. I took a few pictures of the procedure.
Here is a shot of the tank with the tarp down and ready to siphon water into the first vat:
Closeup of the rocks before pulling them out:
Here the small and medium small rocks have been placed in vats:
Here is a shot from this morning after the sand storm had settled again. I got 2 jets shooting behind the rockwork. I still need to get out the baster again to blow the silt off the rocks from the storm.
Left side. It's hard to tell from these pictures, but there are about 8 tunnels through this pile. Also notice the "peninsulas" sticking out.
Right side. Got tunnels in this pile as well and some more peninsulas. Plenty of open space in front. I may more some flatter pieces down into the front for placing corals on them. But that will be a whole different chapter I'm sure!