400g system from scratch pictorial

Things are looking really nice.

However, if I may make a suggestion, Move the yellow polyps off the main rocks. IME they spread like weeds, and besides taking up space they can sting. I am still trying to remove mine.

I agree with Todd - those things will multiply and spread faster than you ever thought possible.

Fogging the house will not get rid of or kill mold/fungal spores. The best way is to filter them out with HEPA filters through your AC, vacuuming, and cleaning. The air purifiers that are all the rage have been shown repeatedly to do nothing but lighten your wallet. :)

Great looking tank!
Thanks guys for the complements as always!

I'll look at moving the yellow zoo polyps to their own rock, I'll probably move my green star polyps to the same rock as I understand they are fond of spreading as well.

John, I have a HEPA stand alone air cleaner that also has 2 UV bulbs and an ozonizer. It helps some, but I agree that I need to get a HEPA filter for my central air as well. I'm looking at a 24"x24" HEPA for the main return (which will need to be modified to accept something deeper than the standard 1" elements, then an electronic air cleaner right before the air handler, and possibly a pair of UV lamps in the coil.

An alternative to fogging, I hear that I can have someone ozonize the entire house instead with one of the mega units that puts out 28,000 mg/hr and just completely bomb the place and AC ducts and all. Should I be concerned for the tank with the whole house depleted of oxygen for 12 hours? I can shut off the exhaust fan in the fish room and hopefully that will allow oxygen from the outside to enter the water through the skimmer maybe? Just exploring options as the wife still feels the effect of the mold spores so I need to do something to get rid of whatever is still left.
Peter, I'd be really careful of that corroding as every month or so there seems to be a new house fire because of arcing, do to the corroding. I was lucky and caught mine just smoking. Another couple of guys didn't and their tanks cooked as well as there is a bunch of fire/smoke damage... The arcing doesn't blow the regular or the GFI, I guess you'd need an AFI. Just a suggestion.
I have a pair of false clowns (oscellaris) and they're what they call tank raised. They have no idea what ian anemone is. If you want some clowns to pair up with anemones, buy them already hosting or study up and find out what clowns like what anemones.
My o. clown paid no attention to my anemone for some time, it is now attached at the fin to my RBTA
aqua_obs, I wasn't even aware that there are AFI (Arc Fault Interrupter?) breakers out there. I'll look around and see if I can get some Cutler Hammer ones for my subpanel. Better safe than sorry!

I hope my o. clown pair will discover my LTA after a while. I know that LTA's are better suited for Clarkii's but we'll see what happens I suppose.
So I'm sitting around in the living room this morning (busted a toe and can't go to work), trying to figure out where I could put an AGA 210 FOWLR and plumb it into my existing system. Then all of a sudden it hits me. I got this non-vented insert fireplace that never really worked well (due to it not being vented), so I get out the tape measure, and lo and behold, this spot would be perfect for an in-wall 6 footer!

Here is a shot of the fireplace with the canopy from my 180 to illustrate how a 6' tank could be a perfect fit.


A shot of the existing 180 to show where the 210 would be located in relation to it.


And last but not least, a picture showing the room behind where the 210 would go. That wall you see is 33" deep as measured from the finished wall in the living room and it is 67" long. So all I'd need to do would be to extend it 13" or so in order to enclose a 72" tank. I'd then have a flip up panel in that back room for maintenance and such, which should be minimal for a FOWLR I would think.


I already have a 2*96W PC 72" long light from when I ran my 180 as a fresh water tank, and I have a set of tight fitting AGA glass tops, should I decide on an eel. I don't plan on anything but the megaflows for water circulation being a FOWLR, so the cost of a 210 AGA RR and some plumbing and a bit of lumber should be all that's necessary.

I could go with a custom tank that is 33" deep so that it is visible from that back room as well, but then the tank becomes a lot more expensive, but the volume would increase to 300g.

I think the most difficult part will be to convince the wife that we "need" this. :D
Well, the wife was less than ecstatic about the idea. :fun2: But she didn't completely rule out the possibility down the road. She doesn't want me to tear up the house only to have me leave the hobby again and be left with a fish tank in the fireplace. I guess I can see her point. I got plenty to do building up the 180 for now anyway I suppose. But at least I got a long term plan for when I'm ready to expand which I'm pretty sure I will be one day. :D
Toe! Toe! No work! As my old football coach would say it is too far from your heart! :) I know from dirtbike experience that toes hurt a heck of a lot even so far from the heart!

Sounds like a plan for the future for your FO!

When you painted the PVC, did you use a primer or just the Krylon?

I don't know much about the Arc Faults, but one problem is if you put them in the box the GFI's aren't there. I don't think you can use them both at the same time in the breaker box, but I've been slowly working on how to use both in the circuit. Talking with an electrician it sounds as if they need their own separate neutral. He said he spent a bunch of time trouble shooting a house with them... I don't know if you could use a AFI in the box and then one of the GFI outlets in the wall. If I come up with anything that makes sense I'll post it because this happens far too often to not have had a solution yet. I'll keep watching your thread as well. Good luck with the toe, wife, and the rest of lifes little puzzles.....


I broke a very small bone in my toe last year, they ended up removing it. The bone is better but my toe is still numb & tingly. Hope yours'll be alright!
Thanks guys! The toe is pretty much back to normal today. I think I sprained it somehow crawling around in the, well, crawl-space when I was putting down a new vapor barrier. It came on slowly and went away slowly. It had all the symptoms of a sprained toe, except that I didn't forcefully hit it against anything initially. Strange.

Mike, I painted my PVC with Krylon Fusion after wiping the pieces down with paint thinner. I only have a few pieces submerged (the 2" return pieces for the CL). Everything else is above the water surface (the CL manifold). I did dry the submerged pieces for a week before submerging them, however.

I was looking at putting AFIs in the subpanel to feed the existing GFI outlets that feed my X10 electrical box. I'll be sure to do some additional research before proceeding based on your comments above.
Great on the toe. I have a set of shoes I wear which are a little small and on days I wear them I think it jams the joints some how and when I go rock climbing it really hurts. Maybe Doc Lopez has an idea on that. It only hurts when I rock climb, but not when I wear the shoes or just walk around... I usually pull on it trying to crack it like cracking a knuckle. I'm just too cheap to throw the shoes away! How can I afford reefing if I do!?
Toe is pretty much healed as far as I can tell. Wasn't gonna go there, but I'm 40 years of age as of 2 weeks ago, but I behave like I'm still 15.

I do barefoot walks around my ~17 acre property all the time, does that count? Hey, it includes some river walking and a barely passable forest trail!

Bring it on!