More fyi just in case, I have an open top on a 6 foot 125 which is 18 inches wide, it loses about 4 gallons a day through this method, and with fan off in the winter months because the basement temp is cooler then, will be about 1.5 gallons a day or so, these are just guestimates based on that I top off by hand still with that tank and it with fan uses between 12-16 32 ounce containers of water for topoff, which translates into 3-4 gallons.
Anyhow just thought it may help you decide what to do, I will find out what I am to do when I get the 480 setup, as it does have nice full covers for the openings on top and one hinged for feeding through a smaller opening, so the fan will basically just push the heat above the tank away, and may not help to keep the temp at acceptable levels, in which case I have an idea with which to use an old refrigerator with a large coil of some type which it would be safe to pump water through and make a home made chiller, and still be able to keep the beer cold in there to lol.
Anyhow if anyone has done anything like this please pm me the info so I can see how you did it, I only want to try cause a darn chiller for the big tank would be outrageously priced, and I would likely have to steal one to get it, j/k, but sure couldnt afford a new one I am sure, and so am left with only this option till the funds become available somehow to do the chiller route...Oh and we already have a second fridge in the basement near the tank which I use to keep drinks cold anyhow and it works great, oldie but a goodie.
Thanks and good luck with your reefs,