430gal., L-shaped display

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Woohoo! It looks like the thread is working again!

I had tried to post this yesterday:

Well, we passed rough inspections on the first go-'round. Because nothing had to be re-done, we managed to slide into a hole in the insulation guys' schedule and they started today. They're planning to be done with the Icynene by Friday (Saturday at the latest) and the fiberglass guys are coming in Monday. The drywall should start Tuesday!

Pretty scary stuff, but it's inert within a few minutes after being sprayed:

Hi Andy,
Interesting location for such a designer bathroom. Whats with the thick wall behind the tub and is that a window over the sink. Do you have a final layout of the most important floor, at least to this forum?
Hmm.. I thought the location is interesting too...
maybe the thick wall is like built in cabinets for living room?

I wonder if you can save some of the foam that is trimmed off for reefs? sorta like the great stuff foam-
Ah, yes. But imagine how relaxing to take a long bath with all of the fish swimming by. :)

I do have more-final drawings, but I don't have a scanner handy (it was buried in the move). I'll see if I can take a photo of them later.

The toilet will have a retractable curtain of some sort for privacy. There will also be a curtain that runs the entire length of the tank inside the bathroom. The tub deck will run the entire length of the north wall and will be rated for my weight as a sneaky way for me to get a platform to allow for tank maintenance on the side that salt water will hurt the least (all tile).

Oh ... that is a window (original to the house) on the south wall behind the sink. The glass has been replace with translucent glass now.
Nice. At one point in my design I was going to have my tank viewable from the adjacent bath, but I moved the tank a couple of feet away from the wall and that idea died.

I like it. I'm not a bath person, but that setup might change my ways.
Untamed12--How are all of those tangs doing in your 400? What are the dimensions on that? I'd love to see photos if you don't mind sharing an URL....

Originally, my bride had the idea of the big display in one wall and in another wall have a whole bank of, say, 12" x 12" x 12" nano tanks in random places, basically looking like living glass bricks in the wall. I was pretty bummed that we had to give up on that.

Well, the idea is that the short arm will be the first thing a visitor sees coming into the foyer. I'm planning on using that entire space as a Euphyllia garden, with lots of types and all of the flowing tentacles to draw them in. Then, once they realize that there's a lot more going on by looking on down the long length, the rest of the tank will draw them right around the corner and on into the living room. I certainly hope that it'll take people a good 20 minutes to see what the living room looks like. :)

I get some back problems that sometimes make a bath something of a necessity. Although I have to say that it look like a lot of my problems were a nutritional deficiency and now that I've been taking a new supplement for a couple of months, most of the back (and shoulder and knee) problems seem to have gone away. (Fingers are crossed. Wood is knocked-on.) My lovely bride looves baths, though, and I hope she really likes this new room.

Tanner--Hi! I got the email messages from all the times you tried to post. Did you get to say what you wanted to? I'd be a little scared to put this stuff in the tank, not having seen the specs on it. I was over there this afternoon as they were cleaning up and my throat wound up a little irritated. Of course, they'd been spraying the stuff all day and have all of the windows taped up so they don't ruin the finish, so the smell was pretty bottled up. It's supposed to stop off-gassing after a couple of minutes, but who know what would come out of it in sea water? Plus, part of the thrill of the tank is for it to be a room divider. It's no fun if you can't see the other room. :)
Another big update, sorry it's been so long. Insulation is in and they're long gone. It looks like we found someone who is willing to build our aquarium on-site. So, that can start to move forward again as soon as we get an intro meeting taken care of. The drywall guys are going to town!

Of note, here's the filtration system installed:


And, here's a picture of the massive wires exiting the house to go and attach to the backup generator:

Thanks! Oh the arguments we had with the architect to leave it like that.... He wanted to drop the ceiling so badly he could taste it. Why? I have no idea why that was such an issue for him.

The drywall guys weren't so excited though. That room was a lot tougher for them because of all of the crazy angles. But, they're just about done.

It's sure crazy with all of the drywall up. I'd gotten used to seeing through the walls. :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12689949#post12689949 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by "Umm, fish?"
Untamed12--How are all of those tangs doing in your 400? What are the dimensions on that? I'd love to see photos if you don't mind sharing an URL....

My tangs seem very happy and get along well. The tank dimensions are 6' x 4'. I think it is 27"H, but I can't remember. Here's my thread that would tell you more than everthing!


Webcam: (I apologize if the camera is flaky...the wifi network near the tank isn't reliable)

Oh! That's _your_ tank! I was browsing through your thread thinking, "This looks familiar," 'til I ran across the photo of your spouse in the tank. Aha! I spent a long evening reading your thread a few months ago. :) Do you still have all of the mantis shrimp? How are they doing with your fish?

Nice tank build! :)
Okay, I hate to say it, but my memory is shot.

I spent a long evening reading your thread a few months ago.

I had read right up to just before you put in the first tang. April 2007? A few months ago? :)
don't mean to hijack but i also read untamed's build thread and i would just like to shot him a nice job very clean setup.

Ummm, fish everything is looking great i can't wait for the pics of the tank assembly.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12747612#post12747612 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by "Umm, fish?"
Do you still have all of the mantis shrimp? How are they doing with your fish?

Nice tank build! :)

I have not seen a mantis in probably 4 months. There are certainly lots of "snaps" coming from the tank, but I fear that the mantis didn't make it. (there were at least 6 of them) There were lots of pistol shrimp as well, so it is impossible to say for sure that the mantis are gone.

Those mantis had no interest in fish whatsoever. I saw one take out a rock crab and I suspect they hunted hermit crabs...but they are not equipped to take on fish.

Those are the "spearer" type. I haven't heard of many people getting that type in rock from Florida.
Interesting. I've seen some pretty cool slo-motion film of mantis strikes.

They eat snails, too, right? How did you keep up with the cleanup crew demand with them in there?

As far as aquarium news goes, I do have a meeting set up with the local builder on Tuesday. Hopefully, this will be the start of ironing out all of the problems with this end of the project. I guess something had to be a pain in the ***. Unfortunately, it's the aquarium. Sigh.
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