430gal., L-shaped display

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Thanks, y'all. Really scary to see the house stripped down. So, ... the jackhammer's going again this morning. Ugh. Hard to think. There goes the basement floor. :)

Looks like the digger's finishing up a few last things today and then the cement guys are supposed to start building the forms. I can't say enough about how great this builder is.
This certainly is an ambitious project. Seems to be going well so far. Looking forward to you tank build.
Hi Bax! Hi Nickde123!

So, big updates. Let me talk about the important stuff first: The aquarium. :) There was a big site meeting today with the builder, architect, aquarium builder, and the HVAC people and the dimensions got finalized and chalked down on the subfloor! Lots of talk about how to isolate and vent the space above the display tank as well as some preliminaries about how to isolate and vent the fish room.

The big bad news: The foundation was a little thicker under that section of the house than the engineer expected and so the aquarium is going to have to be shorter than expected. :mad: :uzi: :blown: :eek2: It looks like I have to put up with it being only 11 feet 9 inches. :mad: There go all my plans.


In other, more boring, news: Apparently, the house is falling down. Kidding, sort of. When the house was built, on one corner they just didn't go down as far as the rest of the foundation. So, they're going to put steel pieces in to reinforce everything when they pour the concrete. The _other_ rear corner has started crumbling now that the dirt's been removed from around it. Sigh. That's going to necessitate a great big concrete column that's going to go exactly where I was going to put in a dumb waiter to service the fish room (salt's heavy and my back sucks). We found another place for it, but it still sucks.

The digger's done and the surveyers were out this afternoon. They say that concrete's going to start flowing tomorrow. :eek: That's crazy to me, but I don't underestimate these guys. Very motivated. The builder says that they'll have all the concrete finished by the end of next week.

More photos:
Brave man to tear apart your house in Colorado in the winter! My house was built in 1901 so I can relate. Good luck and will be following along.
Hi Shekki! Our weather's really pretty nice. This was a "cold" winter and I've been running around in short sleeves the past few days. Being right up against the mountains really helps to moderate our weather. It's nothing like being out in Kansas or something.

Also, we aren't actually living in the house right now, as the furnace was the first thing to go. Brr.
Kentanner11--Thank you! I hope it gets better.

kingsland--Thanks! I hope you understand, nothing against Kansas. It's just cold over in your direction.... :)
You are going to host a RMRC event as soon as this is finished right? Lol I am absolutely dying to see it. Not to mention incredibly jealous. Congrats it seems to be moving rather quickly. :)
I am absolutely dying to see it.

You and me both! :) I think it's pretty likely that I'll offer to host a meeting one of these days.... :)

Apparently, they _will_ be pouring the concrete footers this afternoon. My camera's ready as the boom is supposed to go over the top of the entire house.
Hey, y'all!

yellowtruck--It's all good as long as you leave it alone. It's only if you ever need to get rid of it that you're screwed.
Coming along well. Seeing this thread makes me miss Colorado. I lived in Denver for several years. Loved it!
I've got an old coal boiler converted to gas. It is covered in asbestos, as well as the pipes that will be coming out when I upgrade to a boiler that can actually be more efficient than 25%. My plan is to do all of the abatement myself....just use lots of plastic to seal up the room, mist water where I am working to keep the dust down, where a good respirator, and use a HEPA filter in the room while demoing. I just can't imagine spending 5-8k to pay someone to do something that I can just as easily and safely do myself :D

Now I'm not sure if that is DIY Gone Wild or not :lol:
mtome--Thanks! Where are you now? We just had melev up to give a presentation at a conference and he had footage of him doing acrylic work outside. He lives in the DFW area where I grew up and I had some serious flashbacks. :) The quality and color of the sunlight between Boulder and Dallas is completely different.

JCTewks--Wow. Good luck on that. Be sure you tape off all of the vents inside your main house, too. I think asbestos abatement is a scam, sure, but I think the deductibles on my insurance for major cancer surgery would wind up costing more than the abatement, so that's why I didn't want to get involved in the cleanup. Be careful!
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