Hi Bax! Hi Nickde123!
So, big updates. Let me talk about the important stuff first: The aquarium.

There was a big site meeting today with the builder, architect, aquarium builder, and the HVAC people and the dimensions got finalized and chalked down on the subfloor! Lots of talk about how to isolate and vent the space above the display tank as well as some preliminaries about how to isolate and vent the fish room.
The big bad news: The foundation was a little thicker under that section of the house than the engineer expected and so the aquarium is going to have to be shorter than expected.

:uzi: :blown: :eek2: It looks like I have to put up with it being only 11 feet 9 inches.

There go all my plans.
In other, more boring, news: Apparently, the house is falling down. Kidding, sort of. When the house was built, on one corner they just didn't go down as far as the rest of the foundation. So, they're going to put steel pieces in to reinforce everything when they pour the concrete. The _other_ rear corner has started crumbling now that the dirt's been removed from around it. Sigh. That's going to necessitate a great big concrete column that's going to go exactly where I was going to put in a dumb waiter to service the fish room (salt's heavy and my back sucks). We found another place for it, but it still sucks.
The digger's done and the surveyers were out this afternoon. They say that concrete's going to start flowing tomorrow.

That's crazy to me, but I don't underestimate these guys. Very motivated. The builder says that they'll have all the concrete finished by the end of next week.
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